
miniature to get some answers





questions are in the annotations


8...Be7 is passive and hardly does anything. Bc5 attacks the f-pawn and offers control in the center.

Best guess for why the analysis prefers 10...Qxc4 is the central control. The bishop is also still under attack by your bishop, and it would be a developing move.

11. Point-wise, the rook is 5 and your knight and bishop totals 6. Qf5 protects the knight, and stops the 2 for 1 trade.


Thank you! I didn't realize that the queen was also attacking my knight. Makes sense now.


Hello Yes_Chess.  I would like to answer one of your question "Qh6?? How is this a blunder??" It is not a blunder. So you play 11..Qh6 then 12.Rxg4 BxR 13 QxR black is still ahead.  After 11..Qf5 black is better because the exchange mentioned above is not possible for white.  Cheers.


Like sunshiny said about Be7.

10.Qxc4 is better, because you maintain not just a pawn, but a very important central pawn which restrics alot of whites play, as you noticed your idea of Kingside attack is actually alot stronger if you maintain this pawn, whithout it white has an easier time defending as he can get his pieces to the right squares.

Qh6 I would call a blunder since it loses two pieces for a rook after Rxg4, leaving you up only an exhange without much other positional advantages

LikeTheLake wrote:

Hello Yes_Chess.  I would like to answer one of your question "Qh6?? How is this a blunder??" It is not a blunder. So you play 11..Qh6 then 12.Rxg4 BxR 13 QxR black is still ahead.  After 11..Qf5 black is better because the exchange mentioned above is not possible for white.  Cheers.


No - after this line White has a pawn for an exchange and Black no attack left, which is way better than (after 11...Qf5) having one less piece and being under the storm.