
My recent loss


Any feedback is welcome! thank you



After 8...d6 that looks exactly like a Najdorf.  I think 10...Nd7 was a mistake, usually black plays his queen to c7 or b6 in that situation.


17...Nxc5 might have been good, after 18.Qxc5 Bb7 you're threatening to pin his queen, and I think you can at the very least win the knight on d6 to equalize and get that pesky knight out of the way.

I think 25...f3 might have been better for you, that pawn on h2 isn't threatening anything and you need to counterattack.


1) Sicilian, bleh

2) 14... O-O releases the pin on the knight, gets your king to safety, and allows you to untie your position.

You need freedom to move more than you need a pawn. Also, generally speaking you should break pins as soon as possible. Don't leave it for later.

3) If you can develop a piece with initiative (ie he has to respond to your move), especially in a cramped position, DO IT. 15... Ne5 chases his queen away. Even if he chases your knight with 16 Qe4, look at how much more space (mobility) your pieces will have.

That is all.


Thanks for the awesome feedback - I really appreciate having someone look over my games and giving advice. the sad part of what you said uniqueusername is I considered moving the knight and attacking queen, but didnt do it. thanks again.


You seem like one of those players that should have a rating in the 1800's because you seem to have a positional talent, but you may lose a game because of moving too quickly and blundering. And also, one of the arts of playing the Sicilian defense as black is to avoid getting a cramped position.