
Need help with a queenside plan.......


Very poor quality game on my part...But, can you help me out with how to play these types of positions...


8) dxe5, and the rest of your game seemed rather clueless.  Sorry.

When you're getting creamed, switch to playing defense, instead.

zborg wrote:

8) dxe5, and the rest of your game seemed rather clueless.  Sorry.

When you're getting creamed, switch to playing defense, instead.

Sorry I didn't want "help" from people who have no clue.  Anyone with some actual advice please?  


Sorry, you're pretty much screwed.


after d5 my comp gives me a pretty sound advantage actually(more than half a pawn).  the qd3 idea was awkard though.


After 11...bxa4 (?! in my opinion), take a look at the position. Black's centre sucks for now, especially d6 and the g7-bishop. Black's queenside is shattered. White has a space advantage, and a half-open a-file. What are the plans for both sides?

Black? Abandon ship on the queenside, and liberate the centre/kingside. 2 breaks available are ...c6 and ...f5. For ...c6, he'll need ...Bb7/Bd7 and possibly some beefing up of the d6-pawn's defence first. Alternatively, preparing ...f5 entails a KID style plan with ...Nh5 then berserking down the board.

White? Aim at the queenside. Castle kingside, and gun down the a-file, then maybe the whole queenside. Thus, I think 12. Rxa4 is the first step. It also immediately pressures a6, dissuading ...Bb7/Bd7. Black will probably have to delay or avoid ...c6 (White can meet it anyway by c4-Nc3, and if ...cxd5, cxd5 leaves d6 weak.) Possible continuation 12. Rxa4 Nh5 13. 0-0 f5 14. c4 Nf4 15. Bxf4 exf4 and White tries to take a6 or push e5 (weakens c7) or c5 (perhaps with Rxe4 if Black takes e4 at some point?)


I think at 14 you can just castle. The weak A pawn isn't going anywhere. You didn't do anything wrong with your planning, you just blundered. It only takes one bad move to lose a chess game, and 15 Nb6 was a losing move. Your play should of been on the open C and A files. You should of been castled and put your rooks on them. Relocate you f knight to the queenside (it wasn't doing anything at all on the king side) and you may even want to exchange your light square bishops. White will be faster than what black can get started on the kingside.

The major problem you had beside the blunder is that your pieces were not coordinated together. Just because they are "developed" on natural sqaures, doesn't mean they are good or doing anything.



4. h3 is weak

8. d5 is weak

9. Qd3 is weak

10.Nd1 is weak

15. Nb6 is loosing.

You had plan on attacking queenside. So first you should 0-0 to get king into shelter and then start pawnstorm. This way you can use two rooks to make pressure - after black took on a4, he had two weak pawns a4 and a6. You could took this fact into calculation.

Next time you will rule on the board. You are good even with inaccuracies i wrote.


Thanks for the responses...especially enjoyed ur ideas remellion. 


I respectfully disagree with 4 and 8 being weak though kuzmick.  My comp actually gives a solid advantage after 8 d5.  Didn't check on 4 h3.  But, it is an idea which has become quite popular in the kings indian.  Why not in a very similar structure, preventing both b-g4 and n-g4?


You depend entirely too much on your engine.

It shows in your play and lack of "chess knowledge," as seen in your prose.

Why keep pretending?

zborg wrote:

You depend entirely too much on your engine.

It shows in your play and lack of "chess knowledge," as seen in your prose.

Why keep pretending?

lmao........I haven't looked at my engine in  5 months.......Your lack of chess knowledge shows in your lower rating.    I have forgotten more about chess than u know.  If ur going to talk nonsense at least have a better rating than the person


and I would like to help out a horrible chess player......"When you're getting creamed, switch to playing defense, instead."

Absolutely the worst possible thing u can do.  When u start playing against decent players u will just be lost.  So go ahead and complicate the game and hope that they make a mistake in the complications


Well, i see 4.h3 as waste of time. And i would play 8. Qd2 instead d5, not letting pressure out of the center.

I play quite often possition with d4e4Nc3 against many openings and from my experience it seems that pressure is important.