
We need more amateurs to post their annotated games.


lol, you are like the third person to scold me on e3.

Thank you anyway :)


Caro Kan give me afraid,so afraid,

I loss cathastrophic way,feeling


Played this one a week ago or so on this site, 3 days per move. I don't often play 1.d4, so this was something different for me. If there's any other suggestions that can be made, that would be appreciated. :)


Everytime I post an annotated game noone comments on it ...


My latest annotated game.



I have elected to analyze your game:

1. On your 6th move, you say that your move is a little passive, but in reality, what else is there to recommend? You are supporting the center with your move and allowing your f1-bishop to develop. Let's admit: It does look slightly awkward, but at this stage, there is nothing black can do about it.

2. On your 10th move, I agree. Exchanging the bishop for the knight would have been better.

3. On your 12th move, it is clear that you don't have a plan. In positions like this one, you should have a plan because that would mean you know what you are doing. When you pick a plan, make sure to analyze it instead of blindly going with it because your opponent also has a plan and you have to know how to counter your opponents' plans. There are two different moves that I would suggest in this position: Kb1 and h4. Here is a diagram to help explain:

4. On your 17th move, I would have preferred 17. Kb1 because black's pawns are quite close and making the move now seems better.

5. On your opponent's 17th move, I think 17... b4 is stronger. It allows the queen to go to a4 next turn and still lets the attack go on full steam. The pawns are coming down like raindrops and white is having trouble surviving.

6. Your opponent missed the only chance to keep himself alive. On move 18, a more accurate move would have been 18... b4. Black needs to continue his attack at full steam and hope that the attack will eventually smash through:

7. All moves you list on move 20 including the move played are all candidates

8. On move 23, I don't understand why you are criticizing your move. Your move is fine, but a safer move would have been 23. b3 and that shuts down a lot of black's attack.

9. On move 24, you are panicking and thinking that eventually you will be forced to succumb if you sit tight, but you need to wait until black does something, because advancing a pawn in front of your king is only aiding black. Better is 24. hxg6 f5 25. Qd1 which is threatening to exchange queens by playing c3. If black advances their pawn, there are no worries.

10. Your opponent, yet again missed a chance, which was 26... b2. This would have saved him because now the threats are too hard to cope with.

11. On move 28, your opponent made your advantage explode after playing fxg6. Your opponent should have kept the position closed as much as possible. Your opponent should have played 28... f5, but your advantage would still be overwhelming.

12. For move 30, you put your side variation. After what you put, your opponent would be forced to simplify the position even more. 32... Rxh5 33. Rxe7 Rxh1+ and you would continue making your advantage climb.



You make several assumptions in the deadly combination of black which are imho incorrect. You could have answered differently.


This sacrafical game style is new to me as this the first game I've played it.

In this game I neglect a couple threats on my king side to develop a stong attack on Black's King Side Defenses.

Usually I'm on the other side defending the attacks and coping with being down in development.  Black takes a material advantatge which is a more difficult advantage for me to overcome.


Check out this link for some analysis.

This game opening with the English, Anglo-Scandinavian Defence Variation (1... d5) shows how players that thrive in the Open Sicilian and English struggle with defenses that close the position and can lead to time stress in live chess and difficulty playing the right moves from lack of consistant play in the closed systems.
I neglected to mention in the game that the move 16... f5 gave white an opprotunity to make an attempt with exf5 at opening the position but at some cost.  Including losing a central pawn after Bxf5. and introducing the idea of dissolving the pawn chian and coordinating a King Side Attack.
Black has a minor advantage according to engines likly due to Black's passed pawn.
White's advantages are:
1)  A highly active Queen
2)  Strong Knight outposts
3)  Connected pawns
Black Does have compensation through:
1)  The Bishop Pair
2)  A well protected King
3)  Control of the E-file
4) A passed pawn on the D-file
From here both players can improve their minor pieces and gian stronger coordination.
Black will then attempt to trade Queens and push his passed pawn.
And White will try to push his pawns and fight for control of the open files.
The engame may easily be a Bishop vs. Knight or Rook vs. Rook endgame.

Some classical Mating Patterns seem too unreal but do arise in play as I used the Légal's Mate to pick up a 7 move chechmate.  I dare anyone who sees this post to try this on it's next unsuspecting victim.


Hey SeanLukePicard, I'm trying to see how 4... a6? allows you to skip h3. I can't see it though. Do you mind explaining it to me?

4...a6 is a very questionable move. God knows what he was playing at.

isayoldboy wrote:

Hey SeanLukePicard, I'm trying to see how 4... a6? allows you to skip h3. I can't see it though. Do you mind explaining it to me?

4...a6 is a very questionable move. God knows what he was playing at.

4... a6 was intended to prevent my bishop pinning his Knight after it comes out but not bringing the knight out means 5... dxe5 is the best response after 5. Nxe5 that stops Legal's Mate after which I take his bishop with my Queen which could be gaurded by a Knight had his 4th move developed the Queen's Knight instead of preparing to develop it.

Hope this is helpful.


I see now. Had he a knight on f6 things would be very different.

I took my analysis set out and had a look at the position. What a neat little trap this is. Thanks a lot for taking the time out to reply, your analysis is very useful to me.


No problem, I'm wondering if you meant Knight on c6 but you seem to understand the trap.  A Knight to f6 is the other possiblility you may encounter on Black's 4th move instead of Bishop to g4 which negates the trap.  My opponent's early Bishop deployment was somewhat questionable more so than if it happend on Black's 4th turn.  

My observations show the trap is effective in the 800-1300 range.  To higher rated the trap is obvious or they know of it, lower rated like a safer position so they default to a reliable strategy they know well.  But there are exceptions in both cases so prove me wrong if your up to the task.

this is a 3 minutes blitz game i played recently
In many games I see or play a player with initiative actualy taking action to achieve his goals instead of reacticting to such. These Chess players often recieve superior positions to rule the board with.  In positions where you can challenge that initiative it is one's soul duty to say "If I can't have it, neither can you."
In this game I am able to hold and eventualy win a game against an average 1400 rated player by challenging his control of key squares and looking for well coordinated positions I could achieve with the Black pieces.
Game 1 - Theme: Initiative
It is my belief that the materialy handicaped side is not doomed to be equal or weak to the materialy superior side. In this game White can achieve a superior position despite being a pawn down due to the coordination and active pieces combined with gaining control of key squares.
Theme:  Positional Compensation
Note: My rating is sub-1000 due to a time loss on 100+ Games as I do not have A premium account to protect form that.  Refer to previous games for actual rating.  Also I may start posting using my Alt account Wolf_Rayet since I can not join tournaments.
An idea robbing the Sicilian of its standard tactical lines in the early game.
This is an extreamly detaied and thouroughly analyzed game so skim or read thoroughly as you please. I believe this game has some educational value to it so I'm going to share all my thoughts.
This game starts out with a battle on both color squares but becomes centrally focused on Dark square control in which Both sides become very focused on winning those critical outposts and attack points.  I have to contribute this the two terrible LSBs on the board with no truly active squares therefore acting as support pieces.
panafricain wrote:


A bullet game I played against a stronger opponent. The game is worth for the final combination

20.Qb3 is much better than Qa4