
What could i play better?



What could i play better?


I'm happy with draw but i have relly no idea how i can win this


how is this a draw?


I would never accept a draw in this position as White. You have a clear path to victory and Black doesn't. If you want to win, push the d pawn!


Only masters would shake hands at this point, and even then I am not so sure of that. At our level, however, there is no such thing as dead drawn position (only super dead drawn positions such as the case of unpromotable pawn). Both sides have chances (or at least they will) but black is the one under pressure. If nothing, this was a good chance for you to learn one or two things about positional play, even if you were to blunder and lose.

TL;DR: Never take a draw unless you are really, really convinced.

Get a rook behind the d pawn, and reposition your bishop as black goes on the defensive. Your position is solid, but black has queenside pawns and your passer to worry about. Avoid the bishop trade- rook endings can be very easy to draw.