
if you could make a new piece, how would it move?


My piece could move one or two spaces on a diagnal and one or two spaces on another diagnal like a knight.


so it could move like a knight except 3:1 instead of 2:1?


Such a piece already exists in the variant Omega Chess.


I would make a piece that can jump like a checkers piece.


Such a piece already exists in the variant Checkers.


Wouldn't it be awesome if a piece could move from the h rank to the a rank etc.?


such pieces exist in the variant named 'chess'.

they are called rooks, bishops and queens.


No, I mean go on a loop-for example, a bishop on c1 goes to h6 but keeps going and ends up at a7


if you could make a new piece, how would it move?


It would move guided by my hand...


But, seriously, there are so many chess variants that virtually any logical move already exists somewhere.


Of course, you can make theese weird c1 to h6 to a7 moves. They were probably never tested before!


Maybe not a new piece but a new move. Pieces would be allowed to just spin. So much for zugzwang.

During that move, the piece would be referred to as the "wheel." Of course, this would irritate the "don't reinvent the wheel" crowd.


It would have to move out, unless it could pay rentTongue out

MyCowsCanFly wrote:

Maybe not a new piece but a new move. Pieces would be allowed to just spin. So much for zugzwang.

During that move, the piece would be referred to as the "wheel." Of course, this would irritate the "don't reinvent the wheel" crowd.

oh man, that made me laugh. very funny. 

MyCowsCanFly wrote:

Maybe not a new piece but a new move. Pieces would be allowed to just spin. So much for zugzwang.

During that move, the piece would be referred to as the "wheel." Of course, this would irritate the "don't reinvent the wheel" crowd.

This would also eliminate stalemate.

As for chess pieces wrapping around the board, I once played chess against a computer on a board in the shape of a Klein bottle. Needless to say it was very confusing and I always lost. Even with only 9 pieces per side (arranged in a square), it is very difficult.

JoelBer wrote:

No, I mean go on a loop-for example, a bishop on c1 goes to h6 but keeps going and ends up at a7

If it keeps going it will end up off the table. It would have to circumnavigate the globe to get back to a7.


SUPER PIECES! like, if a knight got to the end of the board, it would be a superknight that could move in a larger L!


Id like a piece that moves vertically


I thought of a piece that might be a fun addition.
The idea I have is of a rogue like in WOW. There would only be one on each side, and it would start in front of the rook's pawn on your right. It moves four spaces along any path, prancing to touch every square of that path, except that it can't move back on a square immediately after having moved off of it; it can not jump over people; it can only capture from directly behind its victim, and only if it does so on its fourth step - "from behind" meaning going back toward you.

It seems like a piece that would be practically useless in the opening, for it could easily be captured by a pawn, but may be a game-changer, further into the game.

However, it would probable throw off the notation.


What is your critique?