
One of my Favourite Games.


This is one good game by me. My opponent sacrificed a bishop for good attack. He might have been shocked by my terrible move taking his knight sacrificing my queen. I managed to get the material back. I managed to keep his queen closed from action and reached my pawn to promotion.  I still believe that it maybe an inaccuracy or even a blunder, and that my opponent was overexcited with the queen sac. I want your comments about the game. Thanks in advance


Nice game! You weakened your attack a couple of times in the middle game after the Q sac by exchanging rather than keeping the pressure up and winning further material:

19... Nf4+ forces the exchange of the R for your N (20.Rxf4 Bxf4)

22 ... Nc5 (threatens ... Ne4+ followed by Q and R fork) 23.Rfe1 Ne4+ 24.Kc2 Bd7

29... Ndf4 is very strong I think, opening the diagonal for your bishop (30.h6 e4 31.hxg7 e3+ 32.Kc2 Kxg7; your king can be protected and you have strong attacks along the diagonal and eventually the b file with your R)

Good game though!

bouncing_check wrote:

Nice game! You weakened your attack a couple of times in the middle game after the Q sac by exchanging rather than keeping the pressure up and winning further material:

19... Nf4+ forces the exchange of the R for your N (20.Rxf4 Bxf4)

22 ... Nc5 (threatens ... Ne4+ followed by Q and R fork) 23.Rfe1 Ne4+ 24.Kc2 Bd7

29... Ndf4 is very strong I think, opening the diagonal for your bishop (30.h6 e4 31.hxg7 e3+ 32.Kc2 Kxg7; your king can be protected and you have strong attacks along the diagonal and eventually the b file with your R)

Good game though!

I didn't want to trade off the excellent knight

sogcelak wrote:

Well, that's lots of tactics going on here... Very interesting game. Here is my analysis :)


Thanks. But i can see your analysis is a lot machine-like.

In human view, very less players would trade the powerful knight for rook.

Also, Nh5 blocking queen and white has nothing to do. No fear!! I believe it was the human way to continue

Thanks for your time and help.


Even Fritz 5.32 chooses 33. Rb8 . We can understand how much black's pawns are troubling white


good game