
Please do not review this game - Most Boring Game Ever


Near the end, I offered this guy a draw 3 or 4 times when it was clear he wasn't going to make progress and I knew I wasn't. Many repeated positions, never a very interesting game if you are already familiar with the opening.

So, please don't bother reviewing this game



How is this a boring game? Very interesting opening! I suck at opening theory so maybe it's a fairly common sequence of moves but I thought it was quite entertaining.

KingsRaider wrote:

How is this a boring game? Very interesting opening! I suck at opening theory so maybe it's a fairly common sequence of moves but I thought it was quite entertaining.

Well, thanks. From my perspective, I had this opening memorized although I should have play 10 Ne7 instead of castles so I could play d6 after RxN. I think I had more time on my clock than when I started (15-10 game).

After that mistake in the opening my only goal was to trade back my pawn to free up my pieces. That took off three minutes or so.

Once I did that, it was a pretty straight-forward draw. I was a bit frustrated that he insisted on playing it out for so long, but that's his right.