
The Quintessential Center


What do you do when your opponent neglects the center in a blitz or rapid game?

Do you you quickly go for the attack? or do you just develop normally play normally, control the center and play the position?  Often they are one in the same.

the game I played just earlier I decided to post because I thought it was a somewhat instructive blitz game that we often face (or play): where your opponent finachettos both B's plays center pawns d3/d6 and e3/e6, develops, castles, accepts a cramped position and takes a defensive 'wait for a blunder' strategy.

I want to reiterate that this was a fast time control, and that neither side played perfect moves. I show this game because it shows how taking the center, developing and castle fast is always a good strategy when black plays defensively.


I just noticed I put 'mate forced' on ng4+ but it look like he can survive an extra move on g2 ...rf2+ kh3 Smile   

PS I know this example is extreme and a bit ridiculous, but in blitz it happens more often than you think!


Its not extreme or rediculous at all.  Its a very good example of how controlling the center, controls the game.
