
Are there OTB USCF tournaments near you?

browni3141 wrote:

I've tried using the USCF website to find local tournaments, but they don't seem to come up there very often. I haven't checked in a while though.

The USCF site is terrible for local tournaments.  In fact, it's worse than terrible, because it looks like it lists local tournaments, but in fact it hardly ever does.

The Michigan Chess Association is much better, but still not all that good.

There are lots of USCF rated events that don't make it onto that calendar.  Still, it's the best available.   Depending on where you live, you may also find tournaments near you listed at that are not listed on the MCA site.


The USCF charge rate to list local tournaments is ludicrously high, and it simply doesn't bring in the traffic because anyone who is likely to show up a tournament knows that looking for tournaments on the USCF site is useless.

Find the local clubs, local messaging boards, and so forth. Sadly, it's all about word of mouth and occassionally state federations.


New Orleans (Home of Paul Morphy) also hosts quite a few tournaments.

Kingpatzer wrote:

The USCF charge rate to list local tournaments is ludicrously high, and it simply doesn't bring in the traffic because anyone who is likely to show up a tournament knows that looking for tournaments on the USCF site is useless.

Find the local clubs, local messaging boards, and so forth. Sadly, it's all about word of mouth and occassionally state federations.

Actually, online TLAs (Tournament Life Announcements) are free, and my print TLA costs 12 bucks.  The second part of the statement is true, though.  Organizers don't bother with them, because they don't figure anyone looks at them.

It's a chicken and egg thing.  Organizers don't list because players don't look, and players don't look because organizers don't list.  Part of it is made much worse because the presentation on the web site is terrible.

It's something we really need to change.  It would be so easy to make things better.  Well, from a technical standpoint, it would be so easy.  Getting past the "this is the way we've always done it" mode of thinking, though,  is hard.


I'd have to fly many hours to Mexico then try to cross the border.


they chess club in my area the dayton chess club has a 4 round swiss every friday which i think i am going to partake in next time i am off work

hozer wrote:

Oh ya, there are tournaments around here in Salt Lake City. But the issue I have and many other, mostly former USCF members have is the time control. There are game in 30 or even game in 60 that make up the bulk of tourneys. This is great of you suffer from ADD, but many of us would like to play with longer time controls...which makes for a better thought out game. So many are fed up with this "drive by chess" as it is now they have quit the USCF. But then it seems the USCF has turned their efforts to "kid" chess and to heck with the adults.

took the words right I mean right outta my mouth!


There are tournaments near me but they are mostly for kids of age 6-12 somewhere 15 years old like I am aren't allowed. Most of them aren't fide rated fide rated tournaments here are a rare

hozer wrote:

Oh ya, there are tournaments around here in Salt Lake City. But the issue I have and many other, mostly former USCF members have is the time control. There are game in 30 or even game in 60 that make up the bulk of tourneys. This is great of you suffer from ADD, but many of us would like to play with longer time controls...which makes for a better thought out game. So many are fed up with this "drive by chess" as it is now they have quit the USCF. But then it seems the USCF has turned their efforts to "kid" chess and to heck with the adults.


Baltimore maryland... a big city, youd expect there to be plenty. But they are all scholastic. There are 2 open tournaments within the next 4 months but they are quite expensive. How much do the ones you go to cost. These are good prize tournaments, is ~$150 usual?