
Chess Puzzle, but not about chess


Hello, all.

First off, I'm not a chess player. I'm an IT specialist and I have a friend doing work in games, narratives, and cryptography. He sent me an image with the instructions to use "any and all resources" to gather "as much information possible" about the image, and perhaps to link it to a password. 

The image is here:

He said the following things are understood about the image already: "Yes, it is Black's turn. This is, however, final position.  Black conceded the win at this point. And black did start at the top of the board. (also, none of this has much to do with what I'm hoping can be found)."

So... in an effort to subvert the process (which is what he wants), I'm going to crowd source this one. Does anybody have any notions about this board? Is it historical? Famous players, awards, or years? Relevant for other reasons? Are there obvious things about it? Anything?


Please post the image, or a link that works.




you mean black resigned in this position? his position is winning that s strange.


Wow. Interesting observation. Those are his words, however. He said that black started from the top of the board, that it was black's turn, but that was moot because black already conceeded the win. 


black always starts from top of the board in chess.i think he expects you to mention the fact black position is winning and there is no logical reason for his resignation.


That's a good angle. Anything about the coodrinates strange or interesting?


 not at all as far as i see.these rook endgames are most typical endgames in chess and happens a lot.(i dont mean this specific position,i mean similar positions when white and black has one rook each and one or couple of pawns)so there is nothing strange about them or coordinates.


Perhaps, if he's looking for some sort of complex password or encryption code, he might want the FEN code.  FEN is a shorthand way of describing a chess position.  I believe the FEN code for this position is


8/3R3p/6p1/8/3k1P2/2p3KP/8/4r3 b - -  0 1




Apparently I was close to something... My cohort told me that it is, indeed, the final position of a famous game. I think I have more research to do. 


He said, "It is indeed a very famous game. Wanted to see if it was possible to get players date etc from the image."


I have the answer. It's (apparently) the pivotal game 6 in the match wherein Tal defeats botvinnik (1960). The players names are the login information, and the FEN code of the final position is the password. 



oh i had looked at this famous game before but as i said since these endgames are typical i couldnt remember the said black resigned at this point but it was white who resigned.


Yeah, I just corrected him on that detail. It definately made the hunt more difficult. 

Thanks for all the help! Advanced human-based cryptography thanks you.