
Chess Puzzle help/database


Hey everyone,

 I've been trying to improve my small growing chess team by adding Chess Puzzles; but I don't know any good place to get PGN or FEN for tactical puzzles. Can anyone help me out or better have know of an easy way to post puzzles in my Team's forum? Also, please join Team Mjolnir and help bring this Team to notice! And thank you everyone for your help and support, I personally do, very much apperciate it!


There are 10,000 puzzles from GM games. If you PM me your email address, I could send you pgn and fen of more puzzles.


That would be very cool Mandy; thank you!

fianchetto123's tactics trainer is a huge database of puzzles which include FENs for each one. Since you are a diamond member like myself, you also have access to basically anything on the site except admin features, including unlimited Chess Mentor, Tactics Trainer, etc.


Thank you very much for that Fianchetto123! I had no idea that I could get the FENs from them!

el_boss has an app where folks can "compete" over puzzles.

It doesn't currently release FEN or PGN - but it adds a nice challenge and competitive element rather than grinding out puzzles.


If you are a Windows user you can download my tactical trainer (YATT) at