
Coffee and chess


NimzoRoy wrote:

To say that " is perfectly healthy for you" is hardly accurate is it perfectly healthy for people with hypertension or chronic heartburn for instance? BTW I drink coffee daily so it's not like I'm prejudiced here...

There is always a caveat to everything. Of course people with hypertension shouldn't drink or consume anything that would increase their physiological arousal.

I mean christ's sake, if you drink enough water you can die from overconsumption. Water is pretty healthy for you isn't it?

Diabetics shouldn't consume too many carbohydrates, something that is essential for humans.

My point is that for the average person, there are no health hazards to consuming coffee.


caffeine is a is time players in major chess tourneys were drug tested

Estragon wrote:

 Alcohol in the proper recommended dosage, which for adults is something short of falling down in your own vomit, can make you think you are playing better - just as it can make think you are better looking, smarter, and tougher than you are.

Works for me.


“Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.
"I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone, "so I can't take more."
"You mean you can't take less," said the Hatter: "it's very easy to takemore than nothing."
"Nobody asked your opinion," said Alice.

reflectivist wrote:

What is the optimal amount of coffee to drink before playing an important game of chess? What variety, how should it be prepared, and how long prior to the game?

I always thought the optimal amount was around two gallons (about eight liters). 

I prefer mine prepared by a chef.




Is it salvating or salvation?




About 2 liters should do. Also, make sure that it's not that weak rubbish!


None for me--will make me spend half the tournament in the bathroom ;-)

OldChessDog wrote:

None for me--will make me spend half the tournament in the bathroom ;-)

That's where one get the best ideas.


I prefer my cofee black=3 cupsSmile


coffee is awful drink some milk its healthy

simonschtweezers wrote:

coffee is awful drink some milk its healthy

Hmm... let's see, powerful anti-oxidant, and intellectual stimulant vs. serum filled with fat designed to make calfs turn into cows and bulls... tough call.


Nothing is better then having a cup of coffee and playing chess when you start your day!  In an important game Im not sure I would drink too much coffee prior to  playing.  Too much depends on each individual. As for me you can never drink too much coffeeCool


Coffee helps hide the smell of moonshine.  Innocent


At the Olympiad in Leipzig, Botvinnik had discovered that, when he drank coffee during a game, he could “go for all five hours”. He started to bring a thermos flask filled with coffee to all his games. In addition to this, having studied carefully the vicissitudes of losing the previous match vs Tal, he made the decision, first of all, to “learn from Tal and become an intelligent and artful practitioner,” and, secondly, to “prepare openings and related progressions in such a manner as to develop closed games, with the board divided into separate sections and the pieces being inactive. Objectively, the position might seem bad, but the opponent will be unable to make use of his abilities…” Botvinnik had “dissected” Tal.