
HELP Bullet Issues


Hi I'm very angry right now as I've dropped lots in my bullet rating, it seems like no matter the winning position or amount of time I have can never seem to do well rated bullet, in unrated bullet I'm the master and I can even defeat a few 1500's but when I started to play rated bullet my rating went from 1250+ - 1170ish I can kill in online chess because of how easy my opponents are but when it comes to bullet I get wrecked, I want to stop that and I want to stop that NOW. What's the best way to get my bullet up, and my honor back? (No idiot comments or you will be blocked) Again I'm very confused on how to improve. Thanks, -KH


Bullet is mostly speed, use premoves if necessary, they take 0.1 seconds off your clock


FM Graham Burgess talks about "sight of board" which is the ability to perceive at a glance at a position where the pieces can move, and what tactical devices are possible.  He says this intuitive ability is develped through experience, especially efficiently in young players. 

"Sight of board" is also an ability that some players have and other don't.  Emmanual Lasker was flabergasted at how quickly Capablanca could see tactical moves on the board that seemed impossible to him.  Fischer was another one I've read about that had such a talent.

I've tried to play speed chess and get blown away every time.  Of course I'm in my 60's.


premoves. i reccomend premoves.


I premove, most of the time


I'm rated in the 1500's in bullet and I doubt I've ever played a bullet game where I didn't blunderSealed

Also, when you say you can beat 1500s in unrated games... maybe you're winning because they're unrated. I sometimes play unrateds against much lower rated players just to try fun openings that usually aren't that good...