
How do you move to strategy from tactics?


I wouldnt read Hitler. His strategies are definately not sound. 


"I wouldnt read Hitler. His strategies are definately not sound. "


he sure kicked the French and Brists combined...and everyone else.


If his strategies not sound what does that make them??

Hitler mistake not declaring war on Japan when it bombed USA. he will be seen like Atilla the Hun in time.Sealed People still afraid of him why?



"Whoever said russians have a lousy sense of humour"



He was Georgian. Gullags  his ideas => housing joke.


but IS  serious quesion.


there has to be a progression from learning the basic moves.


then a few tricks and tactics, principles, strategy elvel 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc


SunTzu and Clauswitz are about tactics and  some strategfy.


You cant pretend chess isn't warfare.

It's a training game for battle.

The aim of war is to force the enemy to do your will.


So war is bigger in a nested heirarchy than a battle.

Can you recommend a SIMPLE book listing moves, tactics, principles strategy please?


Some one recommended

'Chess traps' on you tube.


Aims are quite different. Napoleon's aim could have been to study the people he played with for instance.


Hitler still a Bogeyman? the only thing dangerouis about hitler is if you dont read him. How an artist took over a foreign state and smashed it to bits.

his aims were set out and his tactics were fascist but his principles and different level strategies are interesting.

Hitler's tactic Shake hands then hit you over head with Red Herring.

All chalie chaplin. Anyway you can ask him yourself as he'll be raised soon.


On a chess board there are indeed strategies at play including out psyching your opponent.

Occasionally somjeone decends and mates from nowhere and you haven't a clue even on analysing their game

eldras wrote:


On a chess board there are indeed strategies at play including out psyching your opponent.

If anyone knows how to do this in correspondence chess, please let me know. Otherwise, I may have to take lessons from that kid.


A woman comes downstairs one morning and sees her husband at the kitchen table. He appears to be weeping, and his head is in his hands. She asks, "Honey, what's wrong?" He says, "Remember that day, 20 years ago, when your Dad said I had to marry you or go to jail?" Wife: "Yeah". Husband: "I would have been out today". 


Yes there are ways. Every move reveals something about your enemy.


Groups of moves, groups of responses, aggretates of groups  tests you posit and are replied to   show if your enemy is tired, complacent, impetuous(easiets to detect maybe)

You are trying to gage his level of tactics, figure out his strategies and understand his principles. Most players cannnot take attack of equal power on two simulatneous fronts & assume one has always to be the main one.

Surely part of strategy is assesment of the opponet.

I believe this can only be done accurately in love games where the stakes mean something : money self-worth, peer affirmation,

maybe you get it foree as you have religion big time.

there is a level above enjoyment of chess that is sublime.


nor can you take one game as the sole strategic aim.



Three retired International chess grandmasters were playing chess in the park.
The first grandmaster said, "it is windy today."
The second grandmaster said, "no, it is Thursday today".
The third grandmaster said, "me too, let's go back inside for a drink"


Trollucinations:  When a Troll accidentally eats bad mushrooms or gets a high fever they sometimes see things that are not there.


I often see wins that never materialize. I need more mushrooms.


Is it not the other way around? First comes a strategy and then the tactics.

Nice jokes btw! Laughing

Deflection (17)
Discovered attack (7)
Blockade (1)
Double attack (14)
Pawn breakthrough (4)
Piece catching (2)
Pinning (4)
Passed pawn (2)
Decoy (8)
Opening of a file (7)
Space clearance (6)
X-ray (7)
Weakness of the back rank (6)
Stalemate (3)
Overloading (9)
Interception (3)
Chasing (4)
Elimination of a defending piece (1)
Breaking the shelter of the king (12)
Intermediate move (3)



strategy means you have to warm up first, sometimes baffling your enemy: from CIA modern Training video for Egyptian undercover agents:

eldras wrote:

is there are simple list of principles ?

If you are looking for a body of hierarchical terminology organized from the general to the specific in chess theory in order to get the big picture, the best place to start is with the pawns.  The main reason to begin with the pawns is that they are the only ones that cannot move backwards.  In other words, to wrap your brain around it all, there are models of chess theory and there are concepts and ideas in the organization of that theory that guide you from the very general principles to the very specific details of strategy and tactics in variations of specific openings, middle games, and endgames.

There is an overriding principle in chess:

Winning chess is the strategically and tactically correct advance of the pawn mass.

There are two basic theories of chess:

1. Classical Theory:  Occupy the center with pawns and pieces in order to control it.

2. Hypermodern Theory:  Control the center with the power of the pawns and pieces.  With this method you do not create targets for your opponent to attack.

The title to your post reads as follows:  How do you move to strategy from tactics?

A tree analogy serves well here to answer part of your question.  Think of tactics as the leaves.  The strategies are the branches and limbs.  Strategy and tactics are connected.  Tactics is a special type of strategy.  All tactics are strategies, but not all strategies are tactics.  Similarly all ants are insects, but not all insects are ants.

To get a more detailed overview of chess theory you could read the following books or cds:

1."My System", by Aaron Nimzowitch

2."Pawn Power In Chess", by Hans Kmoch


The OP needs to drink less.  That would be his best strategy, and tactic, going forward.

Otherwise, quantum pertubations will continue to show up in his blitz record of 4000+ games. Indeed, his record makes no sense without lots of Vodka.

His Google web page reminds us of the movie, Brother from Another Planet.  It wasn't Quantum Archaeology, but the star of that movie at least brought the pinball machines back to life, metaphorically.


transpo - thianks for taking thew trouble to reply thus.

I have a beginner's confidence in tat I expect to win every game but hope for an equal match, yet know that best play among grand masters results in draws. \i'll read the books. Analogies aren't allowed in philosophy so I may not dig trees nor ants.

I've seen grown men weep after a lost game.

Salues kborg



The pawn mass idea is interesting. An astronaught told us to go for the king from the off.

Count_Rugen wrote:

More jokes please

A man walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing nothing but a clear plastic sheet. The psychiatrist says "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts."



Do you know what the next evolutionary move is in chess after enpassant?


I dont like Fischer chess & I've played about with a queen castle.


kborg: Quantum Archaeology isn't fantasy, its pre-science. Nor is it hard.

I cant see any flaws in it and resurrection of the dead looks likely soon to me with advancing technology.

eldras wrote:

kborg: Quantum Archaeology isn't fantasy, its pre-science. Nor is it hard.  I cant see any flaws in it and resurrection of the dead looks likely soon to me with advancing technology.

OK, let's say there's a race between commerically viable, maned-space travel, and Quantum Archaeology.

Don't hold your breath, hoping either will succeed.  Have a drink, instead.    

eldras wrote:

 Quantum Archaeology isn't fantasy, its pre-science. Nor is it hard.

I cant see any flaws in it and resurrection of the dead looks likely soon to me with advancing technology.

Hmmm...other things that were "pre-science": mythology...


oh I see not pre sceince in that sense...but alchemy and mythology were indeed pre-science. A difficulty with predictions is that they haven't happened and there's no evidence. In this sense planning of any sort isn't science only guesses. I doubt you think computing wont improve which is the only requirement for QA

>>>>OK, let's say there's a race between commerically viable, maned-space travel, and Quantum Archaeology.>>>



we're going back for our dead. it was inevitable if you think about it. A man is just wavicles from the planck scale to the human group of bodies. Nothjng mystical. But outer space is good.


Bhudist joke:


Somebody told me this story before. It goes something like this:

There were two monks travelling on foot. They arrived at a river and there was no bridge around. As the monks were about to cross the river, there was an attractive lady asking for help to get across.

The first monk was about to send her away telling her that they were monks and not allowed to touch a woman, when suddenly the second monk offered her his back. The second monk carried her on his back, and the three of them crossed the river. On the other side of the river, the lady thanked them and went on her own way.

The first monk couldn't get this incident out of his mind. He felt what the second monk did was wrong. He kept thinking that the second monk probably tried to take advantage of the situation. After 20 minutes down the road, being a senior monk, the first monk decided to reprimand the second monk, to which the second monk replied lightly:

"You are the one who have been carrying her since we left the river bank."