
How to Improve??


Hey, I am 12, 13 in 6 weeks, and have a standard rating floating just below 900. I have got diamond now and am really wanting to improve, and look forward to using the tools available.

My goal is to reach 1100 by the end of june next year.

Is this realistic?? Could I do better, or do you think I should set my sights lower?

But the main question, how should I improve (Apart from Tactics Trainer and Chess Mentor)



I think that is a good plan and realistic too.

Tactics Trainer and chess Mentor is all you need I think.


ok, thanks, good to hear from an NM.

Quick question, NM is 2000 isn't it?? Do you think I would be able to achieve an NM title before I am 30??


Yes, very realistic. I'm sure you could do better but having a goal to gain 200 rating points is very mature and I'm sure effective as well.

Do you have clubs in your area you can go to? They're very helpful especially if you can find better players to play with you and give you advice. The analysis section in these forums can also be a good place as well for that. Tactics Trainer and Chess Mentor are very good but don't forget to play as well!


I would, but unfortunately my nearest club in 2 hours away. I am trying to start one in my local area (bout 100,000 people) but I'm better than everyone who is still at school (under 18's)

manspider29 wrote:

I would, but unfortunately my nearest club in 2 hours away. I am trying to start one in my local area (bout 100,000 people) but I'm better than everyone who is still at school (under 18's)

Are there tournaments in your area? Those are a good alternative to clubs.

The NM title is gained by acheiving a rating if 2200 in the U.S chess system. To gain one before the age of 30 is definitely possible if you're willing to put in the work. I have a friend who is 17 years old and just received his NM title.  


ok. My nearest open tournament is gladstone (bout 120k) and mackay (bout 200), but there are 3 interschool tournaments which are rated every year for high schoolers (U18s) but they are too easy.

I am hopefully playing in both gladstone and mackay next year, and hopefully one or two others, and as I said, am trying to start a club cos there are a bunch of players round here, it's just none of it is organised