
I Broke my Brain


LOL, Just a question for the longtimers here. I am not gifted at chess but have been working to improve. I find that in Tactics Trainer as in Live chess I have a week or so of really good progress followed by a week where my brain loses all it has gained and I drop to the original levels. My Trainer graph shows slow upward progress when I average it out. Is this normal or am I making to much of this?


I dont believe that is normal, not either that you study chess to much.

Can there be other things, that mess up your graph? Are you drinking or smoking anything? Or maby you dont sleep enough, or you dont get enough food/vitamins or so.


I work out 5 days a week and take my vitamins. I have about four to six glasses of wine a week and I dont smoke the evil demon weed. I am kind of a old guy at 54. My ranking in Live chess are slowly improving.