
I'm playing worse than usual.


Let me begin first by saying that playing chess is my passion. So naturally, I was born with absolutely no talent for the game. Still, ever since I discovered last year that I would really enjoy learning the game, I have really been giving an all out effort so I would improve. And then I did begin to improve slightly. Then a few weeks later there was even more improvement. And it continued that way for a while. But then all of a sudden, not only did I stop getting better, I began to get worse. A lot worse. Am I going through a learning slump? Did all the intense chess training use up what was left of my mind. Or does it sound like it's just mental fatigue? If so, is mental fatigue common in chess?


I was playing above 1300 in 5 min chess the other week. Now I am playing between 1100 and 1160.  I haven't been exercising, and I know that affects how clearly and fast my mind works. But for me it's very cyclical depending on a lot of factors.


Slumps happen. Take them as a message to slow down and play fewer games. After a couple months return to it. At least thats what I do.


I think it is important to go back to the sandbag and work on the basics. Even though I am having trouble improving myself, I feel like doing some puzzles and getting a little confidence back helps when I get on a losing streak


Don't let chess mess with your head pal.


Yes, mental fatigue is common in Chess, but often a slump is a sign that you are actually going through a process of learning, of thinking differently about the game. Maybe your brain is in the process of cataloguing all that new knowledge you are gaining, but hasn't quite processed it yet. Slumps don't last forever and when you come back, you may well come back a stronger player.

frankiegoestovegas wrote:

Don't let chess mess with your head pal.

Yeah. Let hypnodog there do it for you. Laughing


Maybe it's this period of time. Take a break and get your energy again


"Am I going through a learning slump?"

You haven't told us yet what you are trying to learn.  Even a lost driver knows their destination. What are you playing? White or black? What is your evaluation in the opening?  Do you get worse in the middlegame or endgame?


Sometimes you learn one line in an opening and trap yourself.  You can't play other moves once you commit.


How old are you?

Yes, players can get worse with age, so if you are past a certain age, it may just be that you are no longer improving.


He's trying to learn chess.


I've been going through a very similar patch. Here's my chess rating history (all 10 mins blitz) - 1200 (start) to about 850 in a matter of days. Crawled my way back up to around 1100. Then had an amazing few weeks and got up to 1317. Then the crash. Lost about 12 games on the bounce, fell rapidly to around 1130 again. Crawled back up to around 1170, no hovering between 1170 and 1140. And I have no explanation for that almighty decline that saw me lose nearly 200 rating points in a couple of weeks. I was stressed at work, stressed at home, and the continuing losses to people I was beating easli before just piled more stress and frustration into the mix. But it's been a good learning experience. 

dpnorman wrote:

How old are you?


Yes, players can get worse with age, so if you are past a certain age, it may just be that you are no longer improving.

It's like chess impotence.  They need to come out with a viagra for that.  Kramnik and Michael Adams could benefit from it.


Mental fatigue is VERY common in chess.

you've beeen playing Lots of blitz.  I don't think it works to play though blitz like that.  I think your rushing and missing stuff.  (instead;  slowing down and playing lots of puzzles is where you head should be.

I think one problem is that people expect to be encouraged and inspired by their rising online ratings; when their doing too much playing and not enough studying.  instead, I think you need to have more faith in the process.  


Thank you joliep. And that comment the other dude made about the Viagra, I was once young too.