
is playing with white easy?


i have found that recently i seem to be getting better results with black? is this just the level that i am at or deeper? i know a few basic idea's in some openings but struggle to push through with white, is it just me or do other people encounter this issue? your thoughts would be appriciated. an any advise on how to combat this would be helpful.




Probably you like playing defensively, i.e. looking what your opponent does and trying to ruin his plans/capitalize on mistakes?

Natalia_Pogonina wrote:

Probably you like playing defensively, i.e. looking what your opponent does and trying to ruin his plans/capitalize on mistakes?

yeah that is true, i've started playing in the local league an i play agaist people who have defended there whole lives an i don't want to be one of them. i feel like i've been trying so hard not to lose that i need tolearn the game again. advice would be appriciated natalia. how to improve a novice?


or learn iniciatve?


No because many people have their own views. For me, I'm sort of used to playing Black since brother always played as White..

Maybe playing white is easy fpor you b/c u played it often? :]


played it the same as black, maybe i'm just rubbish at chess :( 


nothing in chess is easy. we'll be learning our whole lives if we keep at it. that's part the beauty of the game, i think.

don't beat yourself up about it, just keep playing and trust in yourself. your brain is picking up more nuance than you know... the difference between black and white is a feature of the game that adds to its charm and beauty by putting a slight temporal imbalance between the players.

personally i find it equally challenging playing with white and black, with white you have a bit of extra time, but you're under pressure to keep the initiative. with black you can react to your opponent and guard threats, but you're struggling to equalize at the onset of the game. right now maybe i find playing black a bit easier, because i rely a lot on principles and not concrete opening theory. but that's just for now. playing styles mature just like people, and if you spend too much time worrying about it, you'll miss the concurrent simplicity and massive complexity that's occuring right before your eyes: the chess game you are playing (creating!)


i have always had better results with black.  but then, i play lines that give white many chances to over extend and get too aggressive.  give em enough rope...

madvilain wrote:

i have found that recently i seem to be getting better results with black? is this just the level that i am at or deeper? i know a few basic idea's in some openings but struggle to push through with white, is it just me or do other people encounter this issue? your thoughts would be appriciated. an any advise on how to combat this would be helpful.



Everyone likes to play with white in chess.  I wanted t improve my play with black, so i changed my openings, play only with the black pieces on  The results have been good.  Ive lost two games with the black pieces in a year and a half in OTB tournament games.