
Modern chess


Hello. Even known chess rules are not changing, the playstyle and general principles of it seems to rotate preety quickly. Book "My system" is considered the best resource for improving at chess strategy, but it was released several decades ago. Since it was published we went all the way, from concrete players dominating the world, to the Magnus Carlsen :D. Why there are no modern chess resources? Improved My System (let's call it Modern System) would probably change the way people understands chess by a good bit. 

I am not saying, My System is bad (it's probably still the best book of chess), but due to many chess things being discovered after it released, it sure could be heavily improved.

Now, imagine you are writing "Modern System". What principles you would analyse the most?


Oh, one more question to you guys: when do you think "meta" will rotate again, and what it will be? Back to romatism? Logic? Concretism?


Well, Carlsen is generaly purely by My System. He does not do a lot of agressive tactics stuff, however his middle game understanding seems very big.


at this point john watson is wondering why he bothered