
More lost with White than Black piece


Hi Gurus,

I am around 1700 Fide rated player, after checking my games it shows i have more lost as white than with black.

Most of the players in a club that i am playing know's i'm an english opening player.

My game as black will lean towards same formation as english opening such as ..c5 or sicilian.

During preparations, I usually spend more time with black  pieces thinking i have good preparations with white piece since i only play english opening.

Even before as e4 player, i usually get more wins as black than white?

Does it mean i have better reaction plan as black than using the initiative as white? 

Is it correct to say that its more common that player should get more wins on white than black?

How should i improve as white player?

Thank you very much and more power to


Could be you just like playing defense more. Like being an Counter-puncher in Boxing. Maybe it's your personal nature off the board, to be reactionary vs the aggressor. Improving your Opening play as White (i believe) will no doubt improve your already strong defensive prowess. Don't take it for granted.


The 'how' is simply getting your variations down in the EO. Or try d4 once in awhile. Maybe mix it up between, e4, d4, c4. Dunno. Variety may be the key for you. Best of luck.


Maybe as Black you have a solid set of responses to e4 and d4 and are able to steer the game into variations you are generally more comfortable with?

Whereas c4 is going to lead to a lot of different types of position.

The problem as a white player is that you simpy need to know more openings - if you play e4 you have to be ready to face Lopez, Petroff, Sicilian, French, Caro-Kahn, Pirc, Scandy etc..afraid of all this book learning you try to steer them away with c4...but results aren't so good...

You should get a book on a complete e4 or d4 repertoire for white..


It's already been said, but how big is the gap? If it's small, it's not really an issue.

You haven't told us which openings you play as black. This might give us a better idea.