
personal improvement


i have been playing in for more than while my rating has been  oscillating between 1190s to 1200s. any suggestions on how to improve my game. (at my best  have beaten plyers rated 1400-1500)


I have two suggestions:  Buy Fritz 15 and use it to go over your games; use the bathroom before you start playing livechess games because it's hard to play well when nature is calling.  Please be relevant, helpful & nice!

Do lots of tactics

You want to improve as a chess player?


Stop doing the things you love!


Start doing the things you hate!


That is how you will be a better chess player.

If your not willing to make the sacrifice than you are wasting your time.



You hate long games?

Well you are forbidden to play anything but long games.

You shall play long games until you love them!


You hate boring positions?

You will play a boring position the rest of your life.

Play it until you like it!


You love tactical puzzles?

You are banished from tactical puzzles.

You will never do a tactical puzzle again!


Still want to be a better player?

That is what I thought you don't have what it takes!

Go ahead and play your little blitz games!

You have 5k of them only 400 standard games, because you hate standard games!

You don't have what it takes to be a 1500 rated player!!


You have almost 7,000 blitz and bullet games and you're wondering why you're stuck at a low rating?  I'm sorry I'm not in a more charitable mood but all I can do is laugh.  Are there a few modern chess prodigies who have gotten to be good players just playing fast games?  Sure there are, but guess what?  You're not one of them...Get good the same way every one else does.  Play long slow games, review them carefully, and learn from your errors.  All you're doing now is learning to perfect your mistakes...

pappukumar wrote:

i have been playing in for more than while my rating has been  oscillating between 1190s to 1200s. any suggestions on how to improve my game. (at my best  have beaten plyers rated 1400-1500)

You have been a member for 5 years:

4562 blitz games

2161 bullet games

491 standard games

4.9 hours of tactics

2.01 hours on chess mentor

And you cannot figure out why youre not improving?


try playing longer time control games. I also find that I play poorly whenever I play blitz and you should also try to learn from your mistakes.


longer time control??? u mean 10-15 min or even longer. the thing is i am pretty good but seems the actualy quality never seems to come out, i have beaten 1600-1700 rated player a few times that i layed against them


Long games are not the be-all-end-all of getting better. 


The OP is likely higher rated than most of the people above who have advised him to play only long games.  (1200 blitz level on translates to 1500-1600 on the longer time controls. )


More likely, OP needs to stop just repeating what he's always been doing, and in particularly where to study. Usually at 1100-1200 blitz level here, you're only studying tactics. You won't be able to break through to 1300 and above without basic positional knowledge and execution to go with it. 


In your case, it's almost certainly simple stuff that you 'think' you know really well but aren't executing reliably. Like moving a piece twice in the opening, ceding the center, not claming open files, missing easy opponent threats. You still have to study how you miss them though, else you'll keep being oblivious to your errors. 


Playing long games helps with calculation practice, but doesn't necessarily help you fix your erroneous strategic thought process - the errors that 1200 blitz players make (I was there not too long ago, so I know) are straightfoward and do not require calculation to understand. 


I've become a big proponent of improving the area of play that most directly hurts you. Without a coach, it's not so easy, but as a simple rule, you can see whether you're losing games in the opening, middlegame, or endgame, and start focusing on those. No sense in studying complex pawn endgames and N+B+K vs K complex mating patterns if you're not even reaching a winnable endgame in 95% of your games. 

hhnngg1 wrote:

Long games are not the be-all-end-all of getting better. 


The OP is likely higher rated than most of the people above who have advised him to play only long games.  (1200 blitz level on translates to 1500-1600 on the longer time controls. )


More likely, OP needs to stop just repeating what he's always been doing, and in particularly where to study. Usually at 1100-1200 blitz level here, you're only studying tactics. You won't be able to break through to 1300 and above without basic positional knowledge and execution to go with it. 


In your case, it's almost certainly simple stuff that you 'think' you know really well but aren't executing reliably. Like moving a piece twice in the opening, ceding the center, not claming open files, missing easy opponent threats. You still have to study how you miss them though, else you'll keep being oblivious to your errors. 


Playing long games helps with calculation practice, but doesn't necessarily help you fix your erroneous strategic thought process - the errors that 1200 blitz players make (I was there not too long ago, so I know) are straightfoward and do not require calculation to understand. 


I've become a big proponent of improving the area of play that most directly hurts you. Without a coach, it's not so easy, but as a simple rule, you can see whether you're losing games in the opening, middlegame, or endgame, and start focusing on those. No sense in studying complex pawn endgames and N+B+K vs K complex mating patterns if you're not even reaching a winnable endgame in 95% of your games. 

No, but they are part of what needs to be done to improve.  If the OP has fun playing blitz/bullet, then carry on.  But when he posts he cant understand why he isnt improving in the 5 years he has been here, then yes he needs to play longer time controls, along with self analysis, post his games for review, study tactics, chess mentor, etc.  

I reviewed some of the OP's games, and as baddogno posted, the OP is reinforncing his mistakes as he keeps making them over and over.  And no...the occasional bullet/blitz win against a 1600 player is not improvement, and no it doesnt make the OP better than his 1200 rating.  


I'm guessing you haven't read any chess books because I've never read a recommendation for 2.d3?! following 1.e4 e5.

I was also around the 1200 mark for 3 years, similar to you. Then I decided to read as many chess books as I could and I've gained around 300 points in the last 11 months.

Serious study = Improvement.


could u suggest any??


Given your rating, this is my suggestion...

Tactics: Chess Tactics For Champions by Susan Polgar

Endgame: Silman's Complete Endgame Course by Jeremy Silman

Strategy: The Amateur's Mind by Jeremy Silman

Game Collection: Logical Chess Move By Move by Irving Chernev

pappukumar wrote:

longer time control??? u mean 10-15 min or even longer. the thing is i am pretty good but seems the actualy quality never seems to come out, i have beaten 1600-1700 rated player a few times that i layed against them

It never comes out because you are a 1,000 player.

Beating a 1,700 player in a fast game does not make you a 1,700 player.

The person you beat could of been joking around.

Long time controls allow you to think more which allows you to fix mistakes in your game.

pappukumar wrote:

longer time control??? u mean 10-15 min or even longer. the thing is i am pretty good but seems the actualy quality never seems to come out, i have beaten 1600-1700 rated player a few times that i layed against them

I have beaten Masters at blitz, but that doesnt mean i am, or make me a  Master.


Paul Keres defeated 9 different reigning World Chess Champions.

However, he never became World Chess Champion.

It is not enough to beat them in 1 or 2 games.

You have to preform as well if not better than them to be the same.


Play standard and long blitz (10 mins).


     My resolution for 2017 is too not improve my chess in any way, shape or form and to continue making my usual blunders. 

     I also pledge to not learn anything from my games and  boldly go down the path of mediocrity. 

     If somehow, I survive the opening and middlegame, I will try to find a way to bungle the king and pawn ending. 



MiloYiannopouIos wrote:

you get better by scuffling

Yeah I totally agree with you.