
Photo reading? Good?


Hey, does anyone use the technique of chunking or photo reading for chess? 

That is, skimming through thousands of pictures of positions at fractional intervals and absorbing them subconsciously, i.e. eliminating subvocalization? If so, does it help you? I understand that positional synethesia is a common phenomenon among child chess prodigies, and wonder if this could help a non-child, that is, an adult, achieve similiar prodigiousness?



There has been lots of research on the  'phenomenon' of synesthesia. Its effectiveness, like similiar practices such as subliminal messaging, depends on the individual. Some can process it much better than others, and, sorry to say, children can generally process it better than adults.

I would say, from what I know, you will probably not reach prodigiousness with this technique. But, depending on how you approach it, it may help you along in your chess progress.

I was working on a software that actually mixes synesthesia and subliminal to learn chess. It is a windows application that can display PGN moves or FEN positions on your computer screen while you work, watch movies or play chess.

Originally, it was meant to show tactics puzzles. But I've had some issues finding a good source for these. So the project has been put on hold.(if anyone knows a source for good tactics puzzles, please let me know.)

I realize people often dismiss subliminals as some sort of psuedo science. But research has shown that some uses of sumliminals can actually produce measurable results. And, of course, there are plenty of x-smokers and x-fatties who will say subliminals worked for them. In fact, I came up with my idea because last year I did a project for a client who wanted to display self-help videos this way. (This type of approach I don't agree works. But, if you got the cash, I will build any software you want.Laughing)

Subliminals have been shown to be effective when memory recall is necessary. This is the basis for my idea that something like this can be useful for some people.


Cool! Thanks, Kleelof!

The software sounds great and I hope you get it going one day (and open-source it Laughing). Tactics would indeed be great to absorb subliminally, as would the positional understanding of thousands of positional solutions to positional questions.

I guess most chess players have to do this at a ''slow'' or normal speed, just by solving a bunch of tactical problems per day, or by playing chess, and gradually understanding, but it'd be nice even to go through this routine while we sleep or work, etc, like you said.

Cheers :)