
Triple Check


I was just thinking about triple check.  If I'm correct in my thinking, there is no such thing in a legal position.  Right?

Of course, this is technically a huge check...

Black wonders where they went wrong...


16-way check

ClavierCavalier wrote:

I was just thinking about triple check.  If I'm correct in my thinking, there is no such thing in a legal position.  Right?

Of course, this is technically a huge check...


Black wonders where they went wrong...

No, triple check is ilegal !! In your diagram, the only piece that doesn't check the enemy king is the KING Laughing !! LOL


"and black was thrusted mightily"


Very amusing.


With an en-passent capture, you can make a double-check that doesn't involve the moving piece... but no triple-check, correct.


Gotta love a site where the first comment in 5 months is a bad penis joke...


I never played Chinese chess, but I tihnk if I remember from the rules I read some 44 years ago, a triple check is possible. There is an extra piece which moves similar to a rook, (But not backward?) It is allowed to jump over a piece. So put it behind a rook and have another piece in front of your rook on same file as enemy King and move it giving check, thus a triple check. Chinese Chess limits the area your King may stay during the game, and it's played on point intersections of squares as Japanese Shogi is.

aww-rats wrote:

I never played Chinese chess, but I tihnk if I remember from the rules I read some 44 years ago, a triple check is possible. There is an extra piece which moves similar to a rook, (But not backward?) It is allowed to jump over a piece. So put it behind a rook and have another piece in front of your rook on same file as enemy King and move it giving check, thus a triple check. Chinese Chess limits the area your King may stay during the game, and it's played on point intersections of squares as Japanese Shogi is.

The piece in question is a pao (cannon). It moves like a rook and captures like a rook, except that there must be exactly one piece between it and the capture target. (It moves normally like a rook, it's only capturing moves that need this jump.)

So triple checks are possible in xiangqi. Additionally, the ma (knight) can "have its foot blocked"; any unit orthogonally adjacent to it will block its moves to the 2 squares beyond it. (e.g. to borrow a chess board for clarity, knight on e5, pawn on e6, king on d7; the knight cannot move to d7 and f7, so the king on d7 is not in check.) This allows another form of discovered/triple check (king on e8, knight on c7, rook on d7, pao on e1; 1. Re7+++.)

And shogi is played on a 9x9 board, on the squares and not the points.

In chess, there is no ma or pao, so there are no triple checks. Except in fairy compositions.


Triple Check?  No, can't be done.  But a triple attack can!

Below is an example where by moving the Knight, White's Bishop attacks the Black Rook, White's Rook attacks the Black Queen, and White's Queen checks the Black King!


Actually, with Nc6+, white attacks 5 ways due to the knight fork.