
Facebook vs E-mail login


I registered on with my facebook account as it was quicker, but now I have to always do it which means I have to login to FB even if I play at work (which isn't ideal)

I have no desire to post to all my friends just how much I am playing chess at the mo (I'm asahmed goddamit!) or use other FB features. Is it possible to change my registration so that I can use my e-mail rather than FB profile


Lol, so your employer would draw a distinction between wasting time on Facebook as opposed to playing chess? Funny. Also, why be ashamed? It's better than the 'animal farm' crud most people play on fb. I'd ask for a 30 day refund (if poss), close your account then open a new one not linked to fb and re-subscribe. There may be an easier way to do it but since I stopped being used as product by fb a long time ago I wouldn't know any other way.


Capt_Caveman, we can do this for you, no problem. First though, you will need to set up an email for your account. While logged in through Facebook, open a new tab and plug in: and add your email address. Then let me know and I can add a temporary password for you and send it to you. Once you can get in I will unlink your Facebook account.


Thanks Calamondin

I was tongue in cheek about "ashamed", though I always find it weird just how much others seem to spend on farmville and other stupid games, when they could be playing the perfect game


I am logged in on my computer - no problem, however there was a system maintenance timeout and I had to log into my iPhone app again. For the life of me all my usual passwords are not working so I requested an email with my password and all it says is I'm logged in already. I KNOW THAT! but I still need the password for my iPhone - please help. Thanks


ptbrennan, sorry for the delay. Are you still experiencing this? If you are, let me know and I will send you the password. Also, will you try uninstalling the app completely and then re-installing it from iTunes, please?