
Live chess and physical board




Sorry, one more try! there's a rather heated debate going on in the general forum about this. would be nice if someone could set the record straight. Thanks.


Some poeple interpret the rules that you aren't allowed to have a board next to the computer, while some seem to believe you can even use it as an analysis board during play (!). As a player who like to use a real board for longer games (without using it to play out variations of course) I'd very much like a clarification on this.


I see no reason why you cannot have a board and pieces in front of you.  Now, an analysis board, moving pieces on the board, this is something different.  If you are playing "Online Chess" this is okay.  If you are playing "Live Chess" moving pieces on a board not okay.  I prefer moving pieces on a board over using a computer screen and mouse... would like to see this someday for use over the internet: