
Over three days after payment and still no platinum membership!


Over three days ago I requested, and paid for, platinum membership of I have a receipt from Google, but no platinum membership. After more than three days! Contacting is impossible, they ignore all emails and after over 100 views they have made no response to the post I made here yesterday. I tried a month ago to upgrade and eventually after five days I still hadn't been upgraded and so cancelled my subscription. A few hours after cancelling my subscription was upgraded for a trial period and then cancelled.I will wait a few days to see if my upgrade is eventually implemented but I must say this ridiculous delay, of days, to upgrade is unacceptable. Why on earth does it take so long to act on an upgrade request after payment?

Here is a copy of the Google receipt:
Vielen Dank.
Sie haben auf Google Play ein Abonnement bei, LLC gekauft.

Bestellnummer: 12999763169054705758.1300199002105916
Bestelldatum: 05.02.2015 13:25:25 MEZ
Artikel Preis
Yearly Platinum Membership Subscription (Chess - Play & Learn) € 35,70/Jahr
Jahresabonnement - Automatische Erneuerung am 05.02.2016  
Gesamt: € 35,70/Jahr
(enthält MwSt. in Höhe von € 5,95)