
Today's Rank means what?



I was looking at my stats today, and it said

Today's Rank: (hidden due to embarassment) of 63,955

So, what does the 63,955 represent?  All "active" people?  People that have played games within the past two weeks?  Just curious about that.  Thanks!


Find yourself here on a list of players who played in the last 12 months.


It does not have to do with how many games you played in the last two weeks. I believe it has something to do with your RD (Rating Deviation) which classifies you either as an active or unactive player.


Sorry, I don't think I am stating this correctly - I am not curious about me or my rank (this question isn't actually about me at all), I just want to know what the 63,955 means -- for example, it can't be the number of people that have registered at (the actual number is much higher), so does it mean players that have played a game in the last 6 months?  Or does it mean all people that have played a game in the last two weeks?  Just giving examples here, don't really mean this literally.  Ideas?


I think it implicitly places you among all players using your ratings. For example, the highest rating player will rank as the number 1 and all the rest of us several thousands behind. I noticed this ranking updates daily so it depends on the variation on rating experienced throghout a specific day, such as today, for example.


Click on the link suggested. Count the number of players per page. Multiply this by the number of pages.

Scan the column "Last Online" for the players who were online longest ago.