
Questions about Vacation and Auto-Timeout Protection


Thanks. I thought I heard once that this was no longer done. Glad to see it is still there.


I hate vacation time it's a dumb system. I've been waiting for 3 months for some troller to move in a tournament. He is also an active player so he doesn't have an excuse I think you should need proof like photos of the plane or transport vehicle to be able to use it

maxwalker2003 wrote:

I hate vacation time it's a dumb system. I've been waiting for 3 months for some troller to move in a tournament. He is also an active player so he doesn't have an excuse I think you should need proof like photos of the plane or transport vehicle to be able to use it

That idea would have several problems. Anyone might just use a picture from the Internet or a transport vehicle to publish, and the effect of the measure would be void.

If, in addition, you propose that the person must present a picture of themselves in the transport vehicle, that would be invading that person's privacy: you cannot force someone to show to the world a picture of themselves. Some people (like myself) would not feel comfortable. Moreover, you could still post a random picture from the Internet (for there would be no way you could force the user to prove that the person presented is really themselves), and the effect would still be void.

Moreover, a person may have to activate Vacation Mode for any reason other than just going on Vacation. It might be... I don't know... Internet access cut down, for whatever reason... Or anything else. The point is each person has the same rights to Vacation time, and each person is responsible for their own use of Vacation time. You cannot hold anyone accountable for ‘misusing’ Vacation time; it is their responsibility and you have no right to invade their privacy to judge whether or not they really needed to use that time.

And there are already several policies in force to discourage misusing Vacation time, such as a minimum consumption of 24 hours, an impossibility of activating it whilst it is your turn on some games and a severe warning against such misusage every time you try to activate it.

Not to mention that, if you have an opponent who has activated Vacation mode only to try to delay a lost game for as long as possible, you can always start playing with other people. If your degree of happiness and satisfaction depends on one person playing a game with you, then you must be in serious trouble with your life in community.