
Suggestion - Tactics Trainer


There should be a way to put the tactics trainer timer on pause.  Once you press pause, the chess board, and any analysis board that is open, should go blank. 

the reason is because sometimes you are doing a tactic problem, and the phone rings.  so you have to lose the problem because of this?  if people really wanted to cheat that bad at tactics trainer and set up other boards to work on the answer, then so be it.  but why not have a pause button that blacks out the screen until you press un-pause?  i'm not that worried about my tactics trainer rating, but it would be nice

i don't know much about internet programming though, so i don't know if this is possible. 


I would have to disagree...

The rating of any given problem is based rating of those individuals which pass of fail the puzzle.  Being able to pause the trainer would allow individuals to cheat, which in turn would affect a puzzle's rating.

Perhaps a better solution might be to turn off your phone, ignore the call, or refrain from using the trainer when you are likely to be distracted.

Otherwise, accept the occassional failure due to an interuption... which is what I do.


well, considering you are a floyd fan, and your "status" points to a Dead fan as well, then i'll have to respect your opinion.

it'd be pretty insane for someone to cheat by quickly setting up a board, pausing the trainer, working out the problem (without knowing the definite next computer move), and then un-pausing and solving the problem to improve their rating.  that is a lot of work for nothing. 

it's not always a phone call either, could be anything.  but i hear ya


Thanks for the "status" points... I can't remember the last time somebody complimented me for being a Dead head...

As for the effort... yes, it would be insane to go through that much effort just to beat the trainer.  Additionally, I would like to believe nobody would try to cheat... afterall, they would only be cheating themselves.

That said, if did change the trainer, I wouldn't bother complaining.

Anybody else have an opinion/


interesting idea, but we're not going to be able to do it. why? just to create those fun moments in life - "answer the phone and lose ratings points, or play the problem and get the points but miss a sweepstakes winning call..."

the drama! :)


Or play the problem and lose rating points while missing a sweepstakes winning call.


Or win the points and the money!


Yeah, it's like having to go to the bathroom while you are in timetrouble over-the-board.  Pee your pants or win the game.  Both will give you a warm feeling deep down...

now that's theatre!


As an experienced software engineer I can guarantee that

adding this feature is "butt-simple" . It might be a good idea that

when feature has been used, the lesson involved be marked in some way.