
unintended aborting


I don't know why my games are aborting. I'm not doing it intentionally. I don't even know how to. I got a message that said I wasn't abiding by fair play rules or something.
I apologize to anyone inconvenienced by this.
Is there any way I can know why this is happening?


Thanks for letting us know. The fair play restriction will lift after three days of fair play. You might simply be having problems staying connected to the server. There are a couple things you can check/try to make it a bit better.

First- try a cache clear.  Having a "fresh" browser certainly won't hurt :) 
There are instructions here:

Also- Make sure you don't have any other programs running in the background or extensions on your browser. 

Hopefully that helps a bit!


even better option can be an option to give the opponent to answer or set like


"Did you feel the opponent is intentionally aborting?" click on Yes to impose fair play regulations on player No to save him"


such an option will not trigger FPP..


sajay, that option is ripe for abuse.

verybadbishop wrote:

sajay, that option is ripe for abuse.

It is already there, you know. that is why FPP. but one can help oppoenent in some situations.. like when I know my friend had some sticky mouse problems and thus getting aborted... such situations can amicably settled


Or maybe just the 'no' option to save your opponent if it is clear.

Abracax wrote:

Or maybe just the 'no' option to save your opponent if it is clear.

Yes, this is the only way it could work.  Apparently sajay is new to internet chess and it's horde of ill-tempered jerks :p


Yes yes, I just barely notice them anymore, maybe just a slightly better ability insult people in a plethora of languages now.


It's been awhile since I had been active with live chess and I am being flagged in every session it seems.  Going with no outside programs and all clearable caches cleared, fingers crossed.

Abracax wrote:

Or maybe just the 'no' option to save your opponent if it is clear.

that sounds better of course!


I tried to post this elsewhere, but I guess I did it wrong. At any rate, I might have just figured out what I was doing wrong in getting unintended game aborts. Maybe others who have the problem are doing something similar. My cursor stays on the "new game" activator after I hit it to start a new game. I guess I can mistakenly activate it when trying to make my first move. I think that's what just happened in a game against "filbercar," I think the name was. In any case, "filbercar" if you see this, my apologies, and apologies to anyone else inconvenienced.


interesting discussion.... but old one..