
1|0 Bullet Chess Strategies


I would like to know how to get better at bullet chess. Does it involve knowing a lot of opening theory? Does it involve playing certain openings? I would like to know, so plz comment on ur strategies!


Try to improve your normal game first.


Ok and then it will just come to me?


premove and hope for the best...


Tried and failed :)



Try KIA for white and KID for black and play their moves as fast as possible to gain a time advantage over your opponent at the opening so that you will have more time than him for the middle and end game...the KIA and KID are systems you can play against almost anything with success


Form me I go in to wierd positions then find tactics.

RC-1140 wrote:

Tried and failed :)

most have not hoped hard enough...


1min live games do not help you to improve in chess since the games are decided by time and also full of errors. If you want to improve in speed chess, play 3min blitz instead. But if you still prefer to play 1min then the only advice i'dgive to you would be to play as fast as you can. Even if you are losing terribly just keep playing to win on time.


the balance between "good moves" and "fast moves" is thin...

if you are down on time/material it's often a good idea to do random potentially unsound acts of complication. (something that legitimately complicates, not something even your reflex can see that is stupid)


Always have a go-to move in mind before it's your turn.

Immediately after your opponent moves, make that move if it's tactically ok.

You choose future moves (and sometimes whole sets of moves) and spot tactics nearly instantly due to experience / memorized patterns.

In 1|0 games a huge importance is on the clock of course.  Initiative, attacking, and complications are your friend but also fortresses.

Forced 2 move repetitions and sacrificial checking to break pre-moves are some minor ways to gain a bit on the clock.


Five things:

  • Hover-moving is generally better than pre-moving except in obvious situations
  • When in doubt, maintain tension and let your opponent waste time figuring out how to resolve it
  • Keep perspective - don't obsess over weak pawns or losing the exchange, it's much better to lose material with counterplay than wind up low on time in a dull endgame
  • If you're playing an extended match, mix your openings up
  • read this, or this, or this, or this

Hah, some of it is pure humor... but the other half is really good advice.  I've never tried hover moving (I see in your videos you do it all the time).  I'll have to start practicing :p


Internet connection is huge, no joke.

I play anywhere else on a slower computer, or when there are several people taking up the connection, I get destroyed by people my rating level.

Even if you're not fading in and out and that white box with the spinny thing isn't in your face, you can still be going slower than the other guy...



Just play fast, can't think


Play quickly and attack more.


oh ok

I-eat-guini-pigs wrote:

premove and hope for the best...

Lol so true