
Do you see what I see? (Puzzle)


So, chess-fans, I played weak as usual during this game. Thought I'd made a puzzle of the finish. I'm also looking to get better so any critics are welcome to help me improve my game.


Sadly, the Queen sacrifice looks unsound.

Black escapes after 24...f5 (in place of 24..f6?) 25. g6 Bh4! 26. R1xh4 Re8+ 27. Kd1 (27. Ne3 Qxh4 28. Rxh4 fxe3) Kf8 28. Rxf5+ Ke7 29. Rf7+ Ke6 30. Rhxf4 Kd5 when White shouldn't have enough for the Queen.

caveatcanis wrote:

Sadly, the Queen sacrifice looks unsound.

Black escapes after 24...f5 (in place of 24..f6?) 25. g6 Bh4! 26. R1xh4 Re8+ 27. Kd1 (27. Ne3 Qxh4 28. Rxh4 fxe3) Kf8 28. Rxf5+ Ke7 29. Rf7+ Ke6 30. Rhxf4 Kd5 when White shouldn't have enough for the Queen.

On second thoughts, White seems to be doing pretty well after 31. Ne3+ Kc6 32 c4 (preparing Nd5), so perhaps Black should just allow the draw with 28...Kg8.


Thanks for feedback. I was looking for a way for him to stop it. But I'm a chess-noob so I didn't spot it. Interesting you did a follow-up of the puzzle as well. It was weak play (from both) that got us into the position to begin with so probably not a common one. But I liked I blundered away h-pawn to create an open file for both rooks in the end.