
Book's u LoVe


Harry potter,Eragon,Ranger's apprentice,Artemis Fowl...Maximum Ride. those are like the main good ones.Besides

Artemis Fowl, any Tamora Peirce book, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Eragon is okay (Its something about the authors writing style, besides the book being Starwars fan fiction), Harry Potter is okay (I predict Harry Potter is a horcrux), The Lost Years of Merlin series, The Great Tree of Avalon series... wait, is Maximum Ridde the new Artemis Fowl book?!?!
Ender's Game, LOTRs, Harry Potter.  These books I've read dozens of times.  I figured that qualified as "love". Innocent
The Alchemist (best book of eternity!),Harry Potter, LOTR, The Squires Tale books, and any poetry books by Walt Whitman or Lord Alfred Tennyson.
i dont know. harry potter(definetly) my favourite of all time

I'll keep to my 5 favorite 


Gogol - Tales of St-Petersburg

Tolstoy - War and Peace

Dostoievsky - The Brothers Karamazov

Cervantes - Don Quixote

Voltaire - Candide 

My favorite would have to be nineteen eighty-four by George Orwell, although it is closely followed by Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa and Shogun by James Clavell.
I loved "Ender's Game" too, but I also like Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" books, R.A. Salvatore's books (the drow series) and of course some other sci-fi books by William Gibson or Neal Stephenson.

1984 george orwell totally brilliant, i think there is a sub story  the futility betrayal and hopelessness of love...... but maybe im romanticising again ....

me talk pretty one day

Galpogos-Kurt Vonnecut

 Lord of the Flies-William Golding

 Bartimaeus trilogy- Johnathan strudd

 Artemis Fowl- Eoin Colfer

Deltora Series- Emily Rodda


Sadly for me, if it is not a chess book then I do not find interest in reading.


Someone help me, chess is absoring my life!  Embarassed 

Harry Potter is one of the best series I have ever read along with Artemis Fowl but these new fantasy books should not replace classics such as Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice. These books are just as good, although in a different way.
  • Catcher in the Rye
  • Lolita
  • The Great Gatsby
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Brideshead Revisited
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's
  • In Cold Blood
  • The Hotel New Hampshire
  • Fight Club
  • It
  • People in Trouble (the book from which the play, RENT, was ripped off)

I've never read any of the Harry Potter books, and I have no intention of ever doing so. However, I have queued up at midnight in front of bookstores, on several occasions, in order to buy them for my daughter.
hooperxxx wrote:
I've never read any of the Harry Potter books, and I have no intention of ever doing so. However, I have queued up at midnight in front of bookstores, on several occasions, in order to buy them for my daughter.

 I personally think that the success of the serie lies much more in the marketing of the books than the quality... I'm not saying it's bad books, it's good books, but just good, nothing to get excited about, and as such they are very over rated.

On the top of my list is probably "the Fixer" by Bernard Malamud.  It's a novel about politics and human nature.  It's not always pleasant but it's a very well written and kept me interested all the way through.
Eragon , eldest , Harry potter [ofcourse!!] and many other random books!
A brief history of time by Stephen Hawking?

Memoir's of a Geisha

Harry Potter Seires

Angels and Demons

Davinci's Code

Gone with the Wind

harry potter rangers apprentice