
Is it possible to prove anyting - Part 2


Props to the OP who started this thread.   Sadly  they become so long I suspect a lot of the posts in the middle are never read.



All phenomena are projections in the mind.

—The Third Karmapa


Whatever matter is, it is not made of matter.

—Prof. Hans-Peter Dürr


Matter is derived from mind, not mind from matter.

—The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberatio


Physics is the study of the structure of consciousness. 
The "stuff" of the world is mindstuff.

—Sir Arthur Eddington


No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.


   - Einstein


A quote by Einstein I can't find right now were words to the effect that we can never explain any phenomenon with certainty.  All we ever do is develop a theory that explains everything that is observed.   At any time a new observation could arise that doesn't fit the theory.