
Computer2-MEDIUM may have violated our Fair Play policy!


Just got into an obviously winning position against the Computer 2-Medium. It had about 2 min left, but went into a sulk and didn't play anything until time ran out. I was glad to see that this has been noted and that its account may be restricted; it's time clamped down on this sort of unsporting behaviour by its computers. Here's the screen:


He is SUCH a jerk!!


I know! I mean, you might expect this sort of thing from the Easy computer, but a Medium should be above that sort of behaviour, honestly!


Haha brilliant, even the engines are now letting their time run out when losing!


Computer Impossible is just ... well ... IMPOSSIBLE to deal with. Diva.


What, you mean it taunts you while you're playing as well? I've only played it twice but I must say it behaved impeccably and didn't laugh at me for losing in about 15 moves.


Yeah ... I guess its manners are fine. I guess I'm just bitter, since my W-D-L against it is approximately 0 - 0 - loads.

erik wrote:

He is SUCH a jerk!!



Anybody else come across this behaviour by the computers? Or am I the only one, was it something personal? Frown


i only play comp easy but when im winning it usually always violates the fairplay policy. Its even stopped playing in a ten minute game with over 6 minutes left on the clock


And he/she/it also said "Good game" at the end. Jerkest member on Laughing

-waller- wrote:

Yeah ... I guess its manners are fine. I guess I'm just bitter, since my W-D-L against it is approximately 0 - 0 - loads.

I am beating you!! (only please remember that i DID NOT tell you that I only have one draw (i have had enough of zero's on my colour when i play against it so i will not tell you how many wins i have) LOL  and about 14 losses....


Good game!


Well you know how some computer chess programs allow you to play against different grandmasters' personalities? 

I'll give you just one guess which one the "computer2 medium" is programmed to be. 

*Hint: Likes to sac their knights in exchange for central pawns.

(Grabs popcorn. This oughta be good.)

I keed, I keed. 

harryz wrote:

Lol. Is this a glitch?

No harryz, it's simply insultingly bad behaviour, I lost a lot of sleep over this.

bouncing_check wrote:
harryz wrote:

Lol. Is this a glitch?

No harryz, it's simply insultingly bad behaviour, I lost a lot of sleep over this.

Don't worry - you can get revenge by beating up his friend, and win some trophies in the process!