
New rating category: Live chess - Rapid



I suggest that create a new live chess rating category: Rapid. We currently have Standard, Blitz and Bullet. 

My main concern is that a 10|0 game for example is considered as a blitz game, however I think it is not. A 10 min. game is a completely different style of play than a 5 min. game and the rating points you get for it should not be added to your blitz rating.


I agree


I suggest the following time and rating category distribution:

1 min = Bullet
2-5 min = Blitz
6-14 min = Rapid
15+ min = Standard

All time categories may include increment (Bullet up to 2 seconds increment, Blitz and Rapid up to 5 sec. and Standard can have any increment). 


I certainly see the logic (I don't actually know what time controls are for Blitz, Rapid and Classic in high-level otb chess) though I can't decide if I care either way or not!

I play plenty of 10 minute chess and also quite a lot of 5 minute chess.  I don't really mind having them count to the same rating although I do go into more long thinks in the longer 10 minute games that does certainly make them less alike to 5 minute games (and certainly to 3 minute games).