
Questionable notifications from my android phone


Good evening from the Philippines!

To the friendly staff of,

I availed myself of Premium membership here at at I am very happy with my membership. 

So I decided to get the app on my Samsung Note III, and I am very happy with the app. 

But the notifications seems to be bothering me. Here is the screen cap,

Ok, the "My Move" notifications are fine with me except

1. I never (nor my opponent) made the move  "Ke2". In fact, you may check it out (the one with yellow arrow) on the following link:

I liked this feature a lot except we NEVER made this move

2. The yellow underlined names are FINISHED GAMES already, so why am I still receiving notifications on my finished games.

3. if the first 3 notifications are bothersome already, surely I wont check the other 231 game notifications as well.

PLEASE FIX IT (simply stating "XXXX made the move 2...Nc6 etc) OR REMOVE THE NOTIFICATIONS (IF POSSIBLE)


Thanks and more power




Karlo M