
Vote Chess draw claims


In the Vote Chess male bs female game, the males just played a move that results in the position appearing for the third time.  Simultainious with this move, we offered a draw.  Now it's the female's turn, and the game is still going on.  (They now have a draw claim button, apparently.)

It could easily happen that the females who want a draw split the vote between claiming the draw and repeating the position yet again so we can claim it, and they make some other move; so by the time it gets back to us, the threefold no longer applies, resulting in the males not being able to claim a legally drawn position!

Please change it so when this sort of thing happens, the system changes the draw offer to a draw claim, and the game ends.  In OTB, a player can claim a draw in that situation simply by writing his move on his scoresheet and saying he wants the draw.  I would say that voting for the drawing move and "offering" a draw at the same time, is the same thing.

DavidMertz1 wrote:

In the Vote Chess male bs female game, the males just played a move that results in the position appearing for the third time.  Simultainious with this move, we offered a draw.  Now it's the female's turn, and the game is still going on.  (They now have a draw claim button, apparently.)

It could easily happen that the females who want a draw split the vote between claiming the draw and repeating the position yet again so we can claim it, and they make some other move; so by the time it gets back to us, the threefold no longer applies, resulting in the males not being able to claim a legally drawn position!

Please change it so when this sort of thing happens, the system changes the draw offer to a draw claim, and the game ends.  In OTB, a player can claim a draw in that situation simply by writing his move on his scoresheet and saying he wants the draw.  I would say that voting for the drawing move and "offering" a draw at the same time, is the same thing.

David, if You do refer to a game, put always the link there.



Not the male link, but general site´s address.


Sorry, for some reason I didn't see that Poster #2 had put the link before I did.


I also didn't see post #4 when I posted the last post.


I edited it. LOL.



Ty I had that problem in a few games and wonderd why I wasnt given a I know the bug is there I can watch for it ty....

This problem is no longer relevant because the female team accepted the draw.
checkmateibeatu wrote:
This problem is no longer relevant because the female team accepted the draw.

That's rather shortsighted.  If it's not fixed, it could happen again.


The header says "game drawn by repetition," not agreement.  Also on mv=103, it says 0 votes cast, meaning that they did not accept the draw.  The button may have said "Offer draw," but apparently, the interface treated it as "Claim draw."