
Military Magistrates' Court


Previous Tribal War Games Scoreboard

Current Military Magistrates


In the seventh prytany, that of tribe Kekropis...

I Erechtheis tdrake hankas artdeep1
II Aigeis slide_checkmate   bigbennym
III Pandionis Rafa5 Sun777 Dedrickerf
IV Leontis Gopacklittlebro Beginner_at_chess Bogneat
V Akamantis Raul93    
VI Oineis bigred74 missV1226 (N/A) TheSmoothCriminal
VII Kekropis Sam_math_88 arjikaisa Coy70
VIII Hippothontis StrategicPlay   johnpeter101
IX Aiantis SafariQueen (N/A) M-W-R SharmaPawan
X Antiochis SnowyHurricane chessnurse77 kgwkyle

and The Hipparchs of New Athens.

Current Standard Battle Settings

My Group: New Athens
Team to Challenge: left blank
Match Name:

The Nth Battle of General General's name of The General's tribe's name.

e.g. “The First Battle of General slide_checkmate of The Aigeis Tribe”.

Game Type: Standard Chess
Starting Position: Standard
Days per Move: 3
Quick Description: left blank
Rating: Min: left blank;   Max: left blank.
Minimum Games: 0
Players per Team: Min: 8;   Max: 16.
Concurrent Games per Opponent: 1
AUTO-START when "Maximum Players" is reached: leave unchecked
Games are RATED: checked

I tried to msg Rafa5 (Pandionis) and FirstPiece (Akamantis) but they didn't get back to me so, unfortunately I'm going to have to assume they've become unexpectedly busy and I'll be covering for them for the time being.

I suggest the first order of business in this court be how Generals have been finding organising their first battles.

Generals, give your comments. Citizens are welcome to participate.


The other matter is that New Athens as a whole will need a sound process of voting so I would suggest that incumbent magistrates vote on and elect military magistrates for the remaining tribes.

The largest of the three tribes without a general is The Akamantis Tribe. Shall we initiate a voting procedure to see how it works with a small group like military magistrates so that we know it's a workable process?


Rafa5 is around again but not necessarily available to command any phalanxes. But I will suggest that we proceed with a vote for a new General of The Akamantis Tribe since I haven't heard back from FirstPiece.


That's really strange. I've just noticed that my "First Battle of Archon..." battles have been taken up almost immediately and yet bigred's "RISE OF NEW ATHENS" is still sitting waiting to be accepted even though they've been availabe for a few hours.

I think we need to think about what parameters we set for our match challenges so that they get action.

Check "Matches" and let us know what you think might be the crucial difference.


Mine hasn't been accepted either.

Don't worry, eventually one of their admins will go to 'matches' and realise, "OH MY GOD! SOMEONE'S CHALLENGED US TO A MATCH!" And we will start.

It's happened before.


Can I choose a thematic match about the Australian Defence?


Btw, in historical terms, Archons never got involved in the military but obviously I have to be involved at first. But once the process is started, it's pretty much up to Generals what battles to plan (provided hoplites are willing to fight in them).


It's an odd looking opening:

I'm not sure that you're going to get any other groups picking that up or oven that many hoplites wanting to fight it even if a group does pick it up.

But I could be completely wrong so my suggestion is that you put in one of our standard matches (as per Guidance for Generals) AND ALSO a match challenge for Australian Defence to see if there's any interest for it.


Haha I'd join, because it's called the Australian Defense :)


Why? In the matches Giovine Italia vs Croatia (10 people accepted to play it within 2 hours: it's been so fast that I had no time to join), Giovine Italia vs Unorthodox Openings and Giovine Italia vs Team Australia all went well... It's more or less my signature as admin and the half of my answers to d4. I hope we'll be able to change some options, in order to give our hoplites a more veried chess experience. I don't like it just because it "Australian" (one day I'll tell you all about it), but because it's perfect according to my style.


Sam, you're free to set the options to what you like (as long as the title or description tells me enough to be able to credit you and your tribe for match results). So go ahead and put in the second challenge.


Ok, thank you for your kindness. The second challenge will be sent as soon as the first will be accepted. 


bigred74 -- If your matches still haven't been accepted by the time you see this then maybe you could cancel them and re-enter the same ones with "bigred74" and "Oineis" in the title somewhere so it makes it easier for me. Something like "bigred74/Oineis: RISE OF ATHENS" would even do. Thanks.


I've edited the table from "Guidance for Generals" over to the leading post in this forum to make things easier for you guys so you don't have to look in two different places. I suggest we see how things go with these kinds of battles and then look at making adjustments if some of the settings need to be tweaked. The standard is there to help Generals if they are unsure about what settings to use and do not serve to restrict Generals from coming up with their own ideas.


In case this needs clarifying, you ARE allowed to join your own battles. There is no problem with that.

So, General StrategicPlay, join your own battle and show some solidarity for the Phalanx. I'm already right in there. :-)


General slide_checkmate -- Can I recommend that you withdraw your battle challenge and re-issue it as a battle open to any challenger rather than specifically waiting for "FIVE for FIGHTING". This will help your battle get to the next stage of forming your phalanx.


General Sam_math_88 -- You're unorthodox opening is likely to see eventual action with the "Unorthodox Openings" group but feel free to issue an additional standard battle challenge open to any opponent so that you have a live battle to work on while you're special interest project develops.


Polemarch General bigred74,

We are currently in your prytany and I was hoping that it would be marked by the Peasant's Revolt NABS Test. Unfortunatley, this has been delayed until we are able to find four (5?) more hoplites (i.e. non-generals) to particpate.

Ideally we would get the full complement of eight pawn players but even if we're only able to get just one more then we could have Hoplites on the Peasent's side direct two pawns instead of just one and proceed with that.

If this is not something we can manage then I'd like to give you the opportunity to play out your own project which other Generals will assist you with but it would have to happen fairly soon since the last day of your prytany will be 10th August and then General Sam_math_88 will be Polemarch General instead of you. I suspect he will have projects in mind to do with The Australian Opening but I don't want you to miss your chance to leave your mark on New Athens.

 Let me know what you want to do and how we can help.


UPDATE: I've hyperlinked the names of the magistrates to their profiles in the leading post of this forum.