An insight on : the flexible Knight
Believe it or not, the Knight is as hard to capture as the Queen. Normally, a Knight leaves the board due to either carelessness or an exchange. If the opponent is good, he or she can capture the Knight by trapping it. This requires at least three pieces( unless the Knight is forced into a corner or a side). A Knight is difficult to fork, being the best forker itself.
Although it is slower than the Bishop, Rook and Queen( in terms of reacing to a faraway square on the board), it is the King of Enclosed Spaces and will never turn bad( like the Bishop) . This makes it a flexible piece which constantly changes to a square of another colour( e.g It is on a white square. Its next move definitely lands it on a black square).
The Knight can protect pieces as they advance without fear of being blocked off (e.g a Bishop is protecting a Knight four squares to the diagonal right. A pawn appears and cuts off the protection, leaving the Knight endangered. Knights do't have such a problem when protecting other pieces)
All squares on the board is accesible to the Knight as proven in the Knight's Tour. The power of two Knights is amazing if you use them properly. The Knight is also a good piece for players who don't take risks: eight squares, no more, no less.
And here's something: no other piece can move like the Knight! That is why you choose between Queen and Knight when your pawns are promoted.
Up next: An insight on :the vicious Bishop.....
P.S. When I've finished the insights of all pieces, I'l gather all of the information and throw them all into one. Feel free to add your comment.....if it's good, I might add it into the article!