some Ottoman sultans playing chess

some Ottoman sultans playing chess

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Mehmed II (Fatih) was an Ottoman sultan who lived between 1432-1481. He loved playing chess. During his reign, a chess book called "Chess name-i Kebir" was written by İsmail son Şaban from Seferihisar. This book is in the National Library in Ankara. It is known that another book with this name was written by Uzun Firdevsi in Balıkesir in 1503 and copies of this book are in Istanbul, Berlin and Munich.

Selim I (Yavuz Sultan Selim) was an Ottoman sultan who lived between 1470-1528. He loved scientists. He favored the art side of chess. It is said that he defeated Shah Ismail, that he had many chess sets, that he did not like to be defeated and that he wore earrings since the day he was defeated in a chess game.

Kanuni (Suleiman) Ottoman sultan who lived between 1494 and 1566. He loved chess and many chess books were translated and written during his reign. The most famous of the translated books is "Karel'efrenç fi lubülş-şatranç" by Kadı Abdurrezaki Shatranci, called "Sırrı Hibalil Müsacede".

Murat IV was an Ottoman sultan who lived between 1612-1640. He prioritized the science and art side of chess. He was interested in sports. He liked to play chess in the palace, on campaigns, with his guests and with his doctor Emir Çelebi. there are some chess problems that are stated to belong to his period.

Ahmed III was an Ottoman sultan who lived between 1673-1736. He prioritized the art aspect of chess. During his sultanate, chess was very popular and respected. He also presented a chess set to the Polish king Stanislav I in 1726 when there were civil unrest in Poland. During his reign, although the source is unclear, it is said that in 1713, during the Swedish-Turkish war, the Swedish king Charles the 12th was besieged in the Benderack castle while playing chess. In fact, there was no such war, but the Swedish king, called Demirbaş Karl, who was a guest in our country, did not want to return home and entered into an armed conflict with his host.

Abdülaziz was an Ottoman sultan who lived between 1830 and 1876. He emphasized the artistic side of chess. He was an intelligent person and interested in sports. He looked out for chess and checkers players.

Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Grand Turco, Kaiser, II. Mehmet)

I. Selim (Yavuz Sultan Selim)

Suleiman the Magnificent

IV Murat