Fried liver Attack and Traxler counterattack

Fried liver Attack and Traxler counterattack

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hello everyone. Hope you are fine and safe. Today I am going to show a powerful trap and how you can block it and use as your advantage. Here it is 

This one of the variations in which you can mate your opponent. There are many variations in the attack. The most powerful weapon against this attack is the Traxler counterattack. 

Traxler counterattack

It is the attack used against fried liver attack and other opening traps which are similar to fried liver attack. Here it is 

There are other variations in this attack too. You will mate your opponent in some moves. Black s got a good position and can save rook from the threat. 

Hope you liked my blog! . Pls put down your comments below in the comments section. Also post down your games which you have defeated with these attack. Have a nice day. 

Thank you 🙏