
Attacking basics

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Attacking chess is one of the most exciting ,fabulous and aweosme things .There are many players like Bobby Fischer,Michail Tal,Mary gave us alot of nice games which gives us th taste of attacking chess.Here in this blog I am trying to present some basics ideas about attacking because i am also learning them now.

1. Attack against an Uncastled King-

(1) First fundamental condition for an attack along the 'e' file is that the opponent's king should be on that file.If all the adjacent squares are occupied by the king's own pieces or controlled by the opponent's ,the escape is absolutely impossible .

(2) e'' file should be opened or we can try to open it .We can try to put our heavy pieces on the open or semi open e'' file.

(3) With an attack along the 'e' file .The main difficulty can be often be the actual opening up of the file,especially if everything else has already been achieved.

(4) If the 'e' file is already opened and the last defender iis a piece on e2 for white or e7 for black  then the operation that take the form of a systematic attempt to undermine the defense of the critical square,thus making e2 or e7 inot a focal point.


We should try to open up the 'e' file is our opponent king is stuck in the centre and we should try to play with our havey pieces on that file as fast as we can .Even with the cost of exchange sacrifices we can win againt the uncastled king but we have to calculate well too.

2.The attack on the f7-f2 squares by white and black-

(1) The advantage of capture on f7-f2 squares is twofold,first he lose the right to castle,and at the same time,a weakness appears on the h5-e8 diagonal .

(2) When we capture on f7-f2 square then most  of the time our king capture on f7 so this makes his king stuck in the centre for sometime So this means we have a dynamic advantage .So as we alsready know that in dynmice advantage we have to play very actively before our opponent will find the defending resources.


When we try to give up a piece on f7-f2 square then we must have to play actively before our opponent will find defensive resources.This kind of sacrifices gives us dynamic advantage .And as we know that in an opening only the king is the defender of the critical sqaure f7-f2 so with well calcualted sacrifices we can get good positons .

3.The attack on the king that has lost the right to castle-

(1) For the attack of this kind to be feasable ,the loss of castling rigths must at the same time involves the explosure of the king and an increased vulnerability to attack.

(2) Spoiling the king's castling chances,or drawing it aways from the castling position.So he cant come back to the safest points.

(3) The persuit of the king by checking across the board.

(4) The final mating attack in the middle of the board or edge.

(5) Sometimes we can sacrifice our queen to getting out our opponent's king from protection.

(6) We must keep up the tempo of the attack by means of check in order to give the king no time to recover its breath.

(7) We must try to drive the opponent's king into corner and forcing it into mating positions.

4.The classic bishop sacrifice on h7 square-

Necessary conditions-

(1) We must have a queen ,a bishop and a knight .The light square bishop must be able to reach h7 in order to force the tempo of attack,through it is not essential that it should put black in check or take a pawn is so doing.The knight should be within easy and safe reach of the square g5 ,and the queen within reach of h5,through in some cases it is enough for it to able to get to  some other squares on  the 'h' file.

(2) As far as the black's position is concerned,there should be two pawns standing ntact at f7-g7 ( g7 may on rare occassions be occupied by a bishop instead of a pawn)', the 'h' pawn should be on h7 ( on h5 in exceptional cases), but it maybe that there is no 'h' pawn at all.The position of the black's queen on d8 and a rook on f8 points to,but does not absolutely gurantee,the correctness of the sacrifice.What is more important is that black's knight should not be able to reach f6 and that neither his queen nor bishop should be able to occupy the h7-b1 diagonal.

These above two points are the basic conditions which are required for this classic bishop's sacrifice.