
What is a friendship

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Friendship is a social relationship between two or more on the basis of friendship and cooperation between them, and can be distinguished by three characteristics:
1 - interdependence that arise through the influence of each party to the feelings and beliefs and behavior of the other party
2 - the tendency to participate in the activities and concerns of a variety of surface compared to the relations which are concentrated in most cases on the subject or activity and one
3 - The ability of each party to the relationship of eliciting strong emotions on the other side, a property stemming from the Alitmadip, as friendship is the source of many of the positive feelings good or not good

In the Greek Heritage Aristotle defines friendship as a compromise between the extent Kgayn, Valsidik is a person who knows how to be accepted by others as they should, but the person who exaggerates even be acceptable to everyone in the class does not make him anything he Viewer Almcyr By contrast, a person who does not care about acceptance from others is fierce and difficult living and adds to Aristotle's definition of friendship to the mutual sympathy as he wants between two people, each good for the last

Aristotle distinguishes between three types of friendship, a friendship, mutual benefit and friendship, pleasure and friendship, virtue, and shows that friendship is friendship incidental benefit interrupted interruption interest, but Friendship pleasure Ventakd and dissolves easily after the satisfaction of pleasure or change their nature, or friendship is the best virtue of friendship and is based on the similarity of virtue is the most viable and Aristotle believed that friendship when they are fully available to the three pillars (the benefit - pleasure - Virtue

And modern definitions of friendship that the friendship and close social relationship based on feelings of love and mutual attraction between two people or more, and is distinguished by several characteristics, including: the relative permanence, stability and convergence of age in most cases, with a degree of uniformity with regard to personal characteristics and abilities, interests and social conditions