Winner of the Kyrgyzstan Women's Chess Championship 2024!

Winner of the Kyrgyzstan Women's Chess Championship 2024!

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Hi everyone! happy

It has already been more than a week since the 2024 Superfinal of the Women's Chess Championship of Kyrgyzstan ended, and in this blog post, I would like to share some information about my results and the Championship overall.

I'll start with the main news: this year, I became the Women's Chess Champion of Kyrgyzstan, and this is my fifth national championship title! 😊 To say I'm happy would be an understatement. I am absolutely thrilled! Although the tournament went relatively smoothly for me, it was emotionally challenging.

The Champion of Kyrgyzstan 2024!

To be honest, although my primary goal was to win the Superfinal, I had little faith that it would happen. After all, the tournament is long, and the competitors are young, ambitious, and strong in their play. I knew each one would be fighting for the championship title. But luck, it seems, was on my side this time.

Now about the tournament itself:

Last year, the new management of the Chess Federation of Kyrgyzstan (now officially named the Kyrgyz Chess Union) returned to the previous system for the main tournament of the year – the Superfinal of the Kyrgyzstan Chess Championship among men and women. In the Superfinal, 12 players participate, and the tournament is held in a round-robin system. Seven players qualify for the Superfinal through the High League, where they join five players – finalists of last year's Superfinal. Since I did not participate in last year's Superfinal, I had to qualify through the High League, which took place in February of this year, where I took second place.

2nd place in the High League (photo: Kyrgyz Chess Union, 25.02.2024)

The Superfinal was held from May 1 to May 11, 2024. This is the traditional time for the main tournament, as there are many holidays and days off in our country in May.

I tried to approach the tournament seriously. I work on chess as much as I can within my free time, which is unfortunately limited due to my main job. Moreover, a month before the tournament, I reduced my streaming time on Twitch to dedicate more time to preparing for the Superfinal. I didn't know what would come of it, but I wanted to put in more effort to achieve my goal!

Let me explain why this Championship was so important.

2024 is an Olympiad year. This year's Olympiad will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from September 10 to 23, 2024. Last year, the Kyrgyz Chess Union changed the selection criteria for the national team. Based on the Superfinal of the Kyrgyz Championship, only the winner of the tournament automatically joins the national team. Participants who take places 2 to 9 are included in the extended team, and the selection of the remaining four team members will be done by the Trainers Commission of the Kyrgyz Chess Union based on certain criteria (rating, number of tournaments played, performance, etc.). A questionable system, to say the least, and whether it is fair is another issue. In my opinion, a sports selection would be the fairest, as it has been for many years in our country. But since changing the system is impossible, I had to work towards achieving the best possible result.

Photo: Kyrgyz Chess Union

By taking first place, I automatically secured my spot on the Kyrgyzstan national team, and now I eagerly await the Olympiad!

For your information, I have participated in 8 Olympiads (Bled 2002, Turin 2006, Khanty-Mansiysk 2010, Istanbul 2012, Tromsø 2014, Baku 2016, Batumi 2018, Chennai 2022), and I consider it one of the most interesting chess tournaments!

Now, let me tell you how the tournament went. The tournament went relatively smoothly for me. I won the first round but lost the second. In this case, I blamed only myself; with the white pieces, I decided to take my opponent out of preparation and went for a line that I knew poorly and had not prepared in advance. This was my only loss in the tournament.

Apparently, due to the importance of this Championship, I was very worried about each game against every opponent.

The pairings were such that in the first half of the tournament, I faced lower-rated opponents, and I understood that I couldn't afford to lose points. In the second half of the tournament, I had to face higher-rated, more experienced opponents, past champions of Kyrgyzstan.

Final Ranking after 11 Rounds

Link to Chess-Results: Women's Kyrgyzstan Championship Super Final - 2024

I could probably share thoughts on each game, but then this blog post would be too long 😊. Instead, let me share my thoughts on the final round game – the decisive one! After all, the winner of this match (I had an advantage – a draw was enough for me) would become the 2024 national champion!

So, round 11, and I am playing against the winner of the 2024 Women's High League Chess Championship of Kyrgyzstan (where I lost to her, by the way). Her tournament was also going well, except for a tragic loss in the 9th round. The chances were probably equal for both of us. I don't know how my opponent felt, but I was very nervous. Knowing that only half a point separated you from the championship adds more anxiety and worries.

By the way, what helps you in such situations? Do you have any methods to get ready for an important game?

Round 11: Zhanybekova, Begimay - Samaganova, Aleksandra (Photo: Kyrgyz Chess Union)

Joy, euphoria, a storm of emotions! I couldn't believe I did it! cry

To summarize, this is my fifth national championship title.

I first became the Women's Chess Champion of Kyrgyzstan in 2010. That must have been a special day for me. I remember that the last round was on May 9 (my birthday), I won that day, and became the national champion for the first time!

Subsequent titles followed in:

  • 2014
  • 2016
  • 2019

And now, the long-awaited new championship title for the fifth time – 2024!

The trophy!

The top three winners of the Superfinal! (photo: Kyrgyz Chess Union)
The champions of the Open and Women's Championships of Kyrgyzstan 2024! (photo: Kyrgyz Chess Union)
Nikita Khoroshev and Aleksandra Samaganova win Kyrgyzstan Championship

Winning the Women’s Chess Championship of Kyrgyzstan for the fifth time is a very happy moment. Reflecting on the journey, from the High League qualifiers in February to the emotional Superfinal this month, I am reminded of the dedication and hard work required to achieve such goals. The competition was fierce, and young players and ambitious players challenged me at every turn, but perseverance and preparation paid off.

I am so grateful for the support of my family, friends and everyone who believed in me throughout the tournament!!!

Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to pursue my passion for chess! 😊 

Thank you so much for reading! 

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P.S. I still want to share my games from the tournament with those who might be interested in seeing them.

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3: 

Round 4:

Round 5:

Round 6: 

Round 7:

Round 8:

Round 9: 

Round 10: