Why Ludwig is the best Chess player of all time

Why Ludwig is the best Chess player of all time

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We all know the famous streamer and youtuber, Ludwig Ahgren, but what many of you may not know is that Ludwig is secretly the best Chess player alive. There have been many instances of Ludwig beating very high rank players but due to Ludwig's overwhelming curse of having to throw for content we never get to see his true power. Due to this, my theory as to why Ludwig may actually be the greatest player alive and the only reason he's not addressed as so is because he must throw for content and to not hurt other Chess player's feelings. This would explain why Magnus Carlson has never officially played a match against Ludwig as he is scared of Ludwig's power. If Ludwig unleashes his special ritual of doing the Luddy, then winning at Chess becomes 101% certain. Thank you all for reading and have a great day! P.s this is obviously satire cmon...unless? btw no shade to Ludwig or other Chess players I just like watching his content and thought this was a funny idea to post about.