" Pawn Sacrifice " - Fischer's Life In Words
Based on a true story!

" Pawn Sacrifice " - Fischer's Life In Words

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Had ever biographical documentaries fascinated you? If yes, you are at the right place! Bobby Fischer, heard the name? Well, I know that's a stupid question, cause no chess enthusiast is unaware of him! Yes, this blog is going to be about him, which will be linked by the documentary " Pawn Sacrifice " ( 2014 ) , directed by Edward Zwick , which I will be presenting before you in my own words!


Robert James Fischer, popularly known as Bobby Fischer, was an American chess grandmaster and a former World Chess Champion. Born on March 9, 1943, in the Chicago city of United States, as a chess prodigy, he won his first of a record eight US Championships at the age of 14. The record of the most perfect score in the tournament ( 11-0 ), was set by Bobby Fischer, in the year 1964. He is also known for his game against IM Donald Byrne, in the year 1956, which was dubbed as the " GAME OF THE CENTURY ".  He received his GM title in the year 1958, at the mere age of 15, and went on to become the 11th Chess World Champion in the year 1972, at the age of 29. 



Boris Vasilievich Spassky is a Russian chess grandmaster who was the tenth World Chess Champion holding the title from 1969 to 1972. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, he was one of the best players in his years. He became the world champion in 1969, by defeating the Armenian GM Tigran Petrosian, but lost the title to Bobby Fischer, in 1972. 



" PAWN SACRIFICE ", as previously mentioned, is a documentary based upon the life of B. Fischer, one of the all time greatest chess players, all the way from his childhood to becoming the World Champion in 1972, as he beats his arch rival, Boris Spassky, in a 24 game match world series in the year, 1972.

The main character of Fischer was played by Tobey Maguire, an American actor, whereas, the role of Spassky was played by Liev Schreiber. 

Early Life :

The documentary starts with the year 1951, where 7-8 years old Fischer, starts developing a keen interest in the game of chess. He teaches himself the basic fundamentals, tactics, strategies, and soon becomes a strong player of the game. In the year 1953, he fights with one of the top 25 players in the US, and stuns his opponent with his play. Although he lost the game, but his opponent was quite surprised with the game of the young boy. He found out that Fischer can be the future of the game, and gives him all the needs to continue his chess. Also, as mentioned by his family members, " HE HATES DRAWS SINCE HE WAS YOUNG " !!!

Achievements continue to come :

His one of the biggest achievements came in his early years, when he defeated IM Donald Byrne, in a game between both of them in 1956, which was dubbed as the " GAME OF THE CENTURY ", by the international committee of chess. A whole country now knows that a star is in the making!! Though, he didn't let his achievements list stop here, he improved his game, and achieved the title of " GM " in the year 1958, officially awarded to him by FIDE!! He got this title at the age of 15 years 6 months, which was a remarkable achievement at the times. He soon came to be known by people all around the globe, but he didn't stop here!! 

Fischer starts showing mental health issues :

He continued to participate in many tournaments in the 1960s, and came up in the list of most celebrated celebrities all around the globe. Although, in one of the tournaments in the early 60s, he suspects that the Russians, are drawing the games which are among themselves intentionally, to not lose their title. He tries to raise his voice against it, and also for his own sake, as it was like a large stone in his road to the world champion ( which was his dream ). He develops a bitter rivalry between himself and the Russians. But, unexpectedly, his mental health starts getting bad to worse, and he starts behaving awkwardly, as if the Russians are following him everywhere. 

He soon started to show symptoms of " overt psychosis " , same as another American chess great, Paul Morphy. He quit chess several times in between, and also failed to appear in many of the games. 

FISCHER vs SPASSKY, first stage of the epic rivalry :

SO, Fischer and Spassky first met on chess chess board in the finals of one of the tourneys between the US and the Soviet, where Spassky easily won the game, but the lose was tough for Fischer to digest. 
Fischer didn't return to the chess board for quite a time after it, and also started to quarantine himself from the cameras and media. But, when he retuned, he returned with a bang, and won many tournaments and matches in a row. 
Spassky, too, didn't let his name decrease and soon became the reigning world champion. He and Spassky met 5 times before the 1972 championship, where Fischer lost 3 and drew 2. 

And the year comes : 

Fischer and Spassky continued to rise to the world fame, and Fischer challenges Spassky to a world championship, as he wanted to prove that he's the best. Spassky accepted the challenge. The 24 game match series was set to start at Reykjavík, Iceland. 

Game 1 of the 24 game match series came up as a controversial one, as Fischer loses the game. But, he loses wasn't controversial, it was the reason. He stated that the sound from the audience, cameras and the media disturbed his concentration, and he loses the games which was quite balanced at one point. Here's the Game 1 - ( Spassky plays white, whereas Fischer plays Black ). 

Fischer resigns on the 56th move, after making a blunder on the 29th move ( Spassky leads by 1-0 ). 

Fischer failed to appear in the 2nd Game of the match, which resulting in a win to Spassky's name, and he lead by 2-0 until Game 2. After this incident, Fischer demanded to play in a ping pong room, or any other quite room, with no media, audience and cameras. Spassky agreed to his proposal, and Game 3, became a historic game in the history of chess, as Fischer won the Game 3, as Spassky resigned on the 39th move. This was the first time Spassky ever lost to Fischer. 4th Game went into a draw, with the lead with Spassky, 2.5-1.5. Here's game 3 - ( Spassky plays white, Fischer plays black )-  

Fischer agreed to return to the main hall after Game 4, and went on to win Game 5 and Game 6 as well. Game 3 and Game 6 are still known as one of the best chess games ever played in the history of chess. Also, Game 6 was the first time when the opponent GM had given an round of applause to his opponent's win. Fischer went on to win the series by 12.5 - 8.5, and was crowned as the world champion in 1972. 

Fischer's life after 1972 : 

After his 1972 match against Spassky, Fischer's mental health continued to deteriorate. He refused to defend his title in 1975, and hence, giving up his title. He soon became an emigre due to his conflicts with the US government, and was also arrested once in Japan, in 2004. He died because of kidney failure in 2008, at the age of 64. 

I hope you enjoyed my today's blog!! Also, a small apology as I was not able to upload Game no. 5 and Game no.6. Do not forget to give your opinions on the blog, and stay tuned for the upcoming blogs! Thank you!!
Also, as the thumbnail suggests, " Not all wars are fought on battlefields !! ". GOOD BYE UNTIL NEXT TIME!!