Best Chess Movies

Best Chess Movies

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My dear chess friends!

Chess fans everywhere have their favorite chess movies. Here are my picks, enjoy!


Searching for Bobby Fischer


This movie inspired a scholastic chess boom in the United States. With a star-studded cast of actors including Joe Mantegna, Ben Kingsley, Laurence Fishburne, and Joan Allen, the film was destined to deliver. 

The movie is based on the book "Searching for Bobby Fischer" by Fred Waitzkin which detailed his son Josh‘s journey through the world of chess. Josh went on to become a strong international master and eventually left chess to pursue martial arts.



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Magnus Carlsen has been a dominating force in the world of chess. This documentary was released shortly before the Carlsen vs. Karjaken world championship match. The film shows the Carlsen family with a focus on Magnus's rise.

The film features footage from Magnus's childhood, his showdown with Kasparov when he was just thirteen, and the exciting environment that surrounded the Anand vs. Carlsen world championship match in Chennai

When Carlsen reached the summit.


Bobby Fischer Against the World


This movie dives into the life and genius of Bobby Fischer. There are several interviews with people such as Larry Evans, Susan Polgar, Garry Kasparov, and others that knew Fischer or were influenced by him.

The film includes rare footage of his match in the 1972 World Championship against Boris Spassky where he won the ultimate chess title.



Queen of Katwe


The film is based on the life of Ugandan chess player Phiona Mutesi, a girl growing up in the slums of Katwe. Phiona, played by actress Madina Nalwanga, would visit the local center where chess is taught by Robert Katende, played by actor David Oyelowo.

At first, her motivation is that the students would receive a free meal for attending the class, but then she realizes that she has a talent for chess which evolves into a love for the game.  After winning local tournaments, she plays on an international level and learns about life outside of Katwe.




Pawn Sacrifice


This drama is based on the story of Bobby Fischer's rise through chess up to the world championship. The film explores the dark side of Fischer's paranoia. Part of the film visits Fischer's rise through chess as a young kid from Brooklyn and how he became obsessed with the game.

The mental stress Fischer put himself through leading up to winning the world championship is shown to have damaged him, and he disappears from the public into hiding.




The Queen‘s Gambit


Recent Netflix 7-episode series based on Walter Tevis's 1983 novel of the same name.

Set during the Cold War era, orphaned chess prodigy Beth Harmon struggles with addiction in a quest to become the greatest chess player in the world. What’s interesting about this series – every game in it was designed by chess coach Bruce Pandolfini and Garry Kasparov.




Fahim, the little chess prince


Forced to flee his native Bangladesh, eight-year-old chess prodigy Fahim arrives in Paris with his father.

By a stroke of luck, Fahim is introduced to one of France’s top chess coaches, who tutors him and gives him a sense of purpose - his struggles on the

chessboard mirroring both his victories and his crushing defeats in his battle for a normal life. 

Fahim then rises through local and national tournaments only to be crowned France’s Under-12 Chess Champion in 2012.