Magnus Carlsen in Brazil

Magnus Carlsen in Brazil

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Magnus Carlsen just played a couple of rapid tournaments in Brazil and as you could expect he won them both. In fact he didnt have to play any elite player above 2700 but still lots of south american GMs had their chance against the World Champion and some of them held him to a draw. So let us go ahead with some of those games:

First, a complete destruction of a Dutch, starting with 1.Nf3:


Not everything went so smooth for the Norwegian as Gilberto Milos, a veteran GM from Brazil gave him a tough resistance in this interesting game. The unbalanced middlegame/endgame is quite interesting:


And finally, the player who came second in the Open Tournament that Magnus won, Brazilian GM Krikor Mekhitarian (a winner of a Death Match here on who ended up losing only against Carlsen to win all the rest of his games. Against Magnus he played an overall great game, just making a couple of mistakes in the endgame, but till then he defended very accurately: